The Fuse Kit Arrives! (4/2/98)
4/12/98; 3.0 hrs; inventoried fuse kit.
Well, one of these days it will look like an RV6...
What this photo doesn't show is the incredible quantity of paper
stuffed into the shipping crate!
Eat your hearts out, non- pre-punched kit builders <grin>!
(Notice the free clecoes...)
4/14/98; 2.5 hrs; fabricated firewall angle splices; drilled firewall.
This is all the fabrication necessary with the prepunched firewall!
4/15/98; 3.0 hrs; prepared F602 parts for assembly; mounted control arm
and mounts to bulkhead F604; prepared parts for F605.
AN426AD4 rivets were installed to secure the mounts to F604. This will
hold the mounts in place even when the wing is removed.
4/27/98; 4.5 hrs; assembling F-605 bulkhead.
Drilling flange and seat belt anchors.
F-605 taking shape. A pattern is drawn on the bench and the bulkhead is
assembled over the pattern.
Detail of angle attachment.
4/28/98; 2.0 hrs; assembling and riveting F-605 bulkhead.
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