Horizontal Stabilizer Construction Log |
10/28/97; 1.4 hrs; inventoried emp kit. All the bits and pieces are accounted for and present!
10/30/97; 4.5 hrs; fabricated and prepared parts for priming rear HS spar & front spar splice plates and hinge brackets. Primer being used for the project is Sherwin-Williams P60G2 Industrial wash primer. This is a self-etching primer that is mixed with R7K44 catalyst. The primer should be applied in a very thin coat and will be translucent when applied properly. Only surface preparation necessary is to dull the aluminum with a maroon ScotchBrite pad and wipe off the surface with coleman's lantern fuel.
10/31/97; 8.5 hrs; primed and assembled HS front and rear spars; installed hinge
brackets; prepared HS ribs and drilled to rear spar. 11/1/97; 5.5 hrs; primed HS ribs and riveted to spar; mounted HS rear spar in jig; verified correct dimensions and fit of HS front spar to rear spar and ribs.
11/2/97; 2.5; riveted HS front spar and center nose ribs to HS assembly in jig;
verified rib fit and location by trial fitting stab skins; all dimensions ok.
11/6/97; 1.5 hrs; Completed riveting left skin; HS now complete except for fiberglass tips which will be installed later. Total time HS; 30.65 hrs
The horizontal stab comes out of the jig...