Sam Buchanan's RV6

Building the Tail

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Since I must keep a construction log in order to escape the wrath of the FAA inspector, I decided to keep it as a web page so the multitudes (and the FAA) can keep up with the project. I am creating digital images with a Kodak DC120 digital camera of each of the significant steps. The files in the log are small jpegs, but you may have to hum the "Jeopardy" theme as the page loads. Let me know if you have a 300 gig hard drive for sale real cheap....sigh.....

Horizontal stabilizer Construction Log with Photos and Notes 

Vertical Stabilizer Construction Log with Photos and Notes

Rudder Construction Log with Photos and Notes

Elevator Construction Log with Photos and Notes


This is the biggie. In any project where the builder's IQ is close to his shoe size, there will be the occasional "OH NO!!" (Remember, this site is rated "G").  Hopefully these goofs will be discovered before final assembly at the airport. If you never make goofs, you can just skip this section.

 The seamy side of kit-plane construction  



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Table of Contents

RV6 Home

Who is Sam? 
The Hanger 

Getting Ready to Build 
     Odd 'n Ends 

Building the Tail 
     Horz. Stab Log 
     Vert. Stab Log 
     Rudder Log 
     Elevator Log 

Building the Wings
     Wing Spars
     Wing Assembly
  Fuel Tanks

Building the Fuselage


  Flight of  Rediscovery 

  The Beat Goes On 

The RV Journal
Front Page 

Talk to Sam


Van's Aircraft