Aileron Construction Log |
2/14/98; 1.25 hrs; cut and deburred lightening holes in both spars. 2/15/98; 1.5 hrs; assembled and riveted both aileron skeletons. 2/16/98; 6.25 hrs; attached counterweights to skeleton; drilled and riveted stiffeners to both skins; drilled skins to skeletons; dimpled and deburred both skeletons and skins; both ailerons ready to rivet.
2/17/98; 2.75 hrs; riveted both ailerons.
Use only one end of the cradle so you can get inside to buck the rivets for the top edge of the spar.
Ouch! It's a tight fit for folks with normal sized hands. Wear a long sleeve sweatshirt to protect your arms.
Turn the pressure down (30 lbs) so you don't beat up the curve of the skin where it goes over the spar.
Here are a couple of mini bucking bars fabricated by RV4 builder and Minimax test engineer Mark Spry that are invaluable for getting into tight spots.
I like to use the Scotchbrite wheel to dress the heads of the pulled rivets.
Ailerons are completed. I am now the proud owner of a complete set of RV6 control surfaces! Total time ailerons: 11.75 hrs.