Aileron Construction Log








2/14/98; 1.25 hrs; cut  and deburred lightening holes in both spars.

2/15/98; 1.5 hrs; assembled and riveted both aileron skeletons.

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2/16/98; 6.25 hrs; attached counterweights to skeleton; drilled and riveted stiffeners to both skins; drilled skins to skeletons; dimpled and deburred both skeletons and skins; both ailerons ready to rivet.

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2/17/98; 2.75 hrs; riveted both ailerons.

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Use only one end of the cradle so you can get inside to buck the rivets for the top edge of the spar.




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Ouch! It's a tight fit for folks with normal sized hands. Wear a long sleeve sweatshirt to protect your arms.




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Turn the pressure down (30 lbs) so you don't beat up the curve of the skin where it goes over the spar.






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Here are a couple of mini bucking bars fabricated by RV4 builder and Minimax test engineer Mark Spry that are invaluable for getting into tight spots.





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I like to use the Scotchbrite wheel to dress the heads of the pulled rivets.



Ailerons are completed.

I am now the proud owner of a complete set of RV6 control surfaces!

Total time ailerons: 11.75 hrs.




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