S H A K E-S P E A R E S.

Gainst death,and all obliuious emnity
Shall you pace forth, your praise shall stil finde roome,
Euen in the eyes of all posterity
That weare this world out to the ending doome.
   So til the iudgement that your selfe arise,
   You liue in this,and dwell in louers eies.
S weet loue renew thy force , be it not said
Thy edge should blunter be then apetite,
Which but too daie by feeding is alaied,
To morrow sharpned in his former might.
So loue be thou,although too daie thou fill
Thy hungrie eies,euen till they winck with fulnesse,
Too morrow see againe,and doe not kill
The spirit of Loue,with a perpetual dulnesse:
Let this sad Intrim.like the Ocean be
Which parts the shore,where two contracted new,
Come daily to the banckes,that when they see:
Returne of loue,more blest may be the view.
   As cal it Winter,which being ful of care,
   Makes So[m]mers welcome,thrice more wish'd,more rare:
B Eing your slaue what should I doe but tend,
Vpon the houres,and times of your desire?
I haue no precious time at al to spend;
Nor seruices to doe til you require.
Nor dare I chide the world without end houre,
Whilst I(my soueraine)watch the clock for you,
Nor thinke the bitternesse of absence sowre,
VVhen you haue bid your seruant once adieue.
Nor dare I question with my iealious thought,
VVhere you may be,or your affaires suppose,
But like a sad slaue stay and thinke of nought
Saue where you are , how happy you make those.
   So true a foole is loue,that in your Will,
   (Though you doe any thing)he thinkes no ill.

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