To Francis Bacon.

  Mr. Bacon,
    I can neither expound nor censure your late actions; being ignorant of all of them save one; and having directed my sight inward only, to examine myself. You do pray me to believe that you only aspire to the conscience and commendation of bonus civis and bonus vir; and I do faithfully assure you, that while that is your ambition (though your course be active and mind contemplative) yet we shall both convenire in eodem tertio; and convenire inter nosipsos. Your profession of affection, and offer of good offices, are welcome to me. For answer to them I will say but this; that you have believed I have been kind to you, and you may believe that I cannot be other, either upon humour or mine own election. I am a stranger to all poetical conceits, or else I should say somewhat of your poetical example. But this I must say, that I never flew with other wings than desire to merit, and confidence in my Sovereign's favour; and when one of these wings failed me, I would light nowhere but at my Sovereign's feet, though she suffered me to be bruised with my fall. And till her Majesty, that knows I was never bird of prey, finds it to agree with her will and her service that my wings should be imped again, I have committed myself to the mue. No power but my God's, and my Sovereign's, can alter this resolution of
Your retired friend,      

[@ Works IX, 192]
