Boar-riders Spear Dragon throats

The argument of the Tragedie.

       AT a banquet made by Vther Pendragon for the solemnising of his conquest against the Saxons, he fell inamoured with Igerna wife to Gorlois Duke of Cornwell. Who perceiuing the Kings passion, departed with his wife and prepared warres at Cornwell, where also in a strong holde beyond him hee placed her. Then the King leuied an armye to suppresse him, but waxing impatient of his desire to Igerna, transformed himselfe by Merlin his cunning, into the likenesse of Gorlois. And after his acceptance with Igerna he returned to his siedge, where he slew Gorlois. Igerna was deliuered of Arthur and Anne twins of the same birth. Vther Pendragon 15. yeres after pursuing the Saxons was by them poysoned. Arthur delighted in his sister Anne, who made him father of Mordred. Seuenteene yeres after Lucius Tiberius of Rome demanded a tribute due by the conquest of Caesar. Arthur gathered the powers of 13. Kinges besides his owne, and leauing his Queene Gueneuora in the tuition of Mordred, to whome likewise he committed the kingdome in his absence, arriued at Fraunce, where after 9. yeares warres, he sent the slaine bodie of Tiberius vnto Rome for the tribute. During this absence Mordred grew ambicious, for th'effecting whereof he made loue to Gueneuora, who gaue eare vnto him. Then by th'assistance of Gilla a Brittish Lord hee vsurped, and for mainteinance entertayned with large promises, the Saxons, Irish, Pictes, & Normands. Gueneuora hearing that Arthur was alreadie embarked for returne through dispaire purposing diuersly, sometimes to kill her husband, sometimes to kill herselfe, at last resolued to enter into religion. Arthur at his landing was resisted on the stronds of Douer, where he put Mordred to flight. The last fielde was fought at Cornwell, where after the death of one hundred and tweentie thousand sauing on either side 20, Mordred receiued his death, and Arthur his deadly wound.  
