Boar-riders Spear Dragon throats

O second Arthur, bred in brittish brayne
Well hath myne host: him self a prophet prou'd
for sure when first he sang thow camst again
Cassandra-like his threatning few men mou'd
    Th'effect expounds that Oracle so dark
    Forshewed this Brittish Bards surpassing Wark

Strang was thy birth in dede & Giant-lyke
much payns thy mother bidd with pacienc myld
One noosed the an other made thy cheke
And yet no doubt thow art but one mans child.
    But who so wash'd thy face in printers inke
    Speck on the rest. I know well what I think

Resigne thy buskins Sophocles the great
Tread morter now wth thy disarmed shanks
For this mans brayne hath had a happier sweat
Wherof the world doth con him ample thanks
    Blush Seneca to see thy feathers loose
    Pluck't from a swan & sticked on a goose.

And yw suete gentilmen of Grayan name
Well was a solace to her highnes meant
And all that passed from yw deseru's good fame
Your mend'ments good, your acting excellent
    But when your Spyks of Poesie be ripe
    Dance haruest home after a better pipe.


      As recently as 1983 [the above] poem was discovered which almost certainly refers to the performance of The Misfortunes of Arthur. It was found in a collection of letters and documents of Anthony Bacon [British Library MS. Add. 4152, f.394.]. The text of the poem is remarkable for the insight it affords us into the play....
      Francis Bacon appears to have been instrumental to the inception of the play. His known involvement in theatrical presentations, especially masques, and his association with The Misfortunes of Arthur make it likely that he was privy to, if not responsible for, the earliest proposals for an Arthur masque to be presented before the Queen. That this was to be an Arthur which had been "bred in brittish brayne" indicates that the proposal was to write a masque based on the British chronicle tradition of Arthur rather than on the French romance tradition.
  [@ Corrigan 201-4]  
