Ancient Times

JUPITER, the Chumash, and the mound builders of Adams County, Ohio©

by James Bowles, author of The Gods, Gemini, and the Great Pyramid1

The Ancients believed that Jupiter, being what we call a Brown Dwarf, was the Matriarchal progenitor of the earth. Earth was fashioned, as their story goes, within the very depths of Jupiter, and was ejected into space through the stormy Eye and the mouth of the serpent as .. Horus of the Gods .. repeated here from the Book of the Dead.

I am Horus who came forth from the Eye of Horus .. I am Horus of the Gods .. and I have lighted on the vertex of Re in the prow of his bark which is in the Abyss."2

The belief that the earth came from Jupiter was wide spread in ancient times .. but no where are the records so concise .. as those of the mound builders of Adams County, Ohio, and the tribal Chumash of SE California.

Their respective stories, being told in their art form, make for fascinating study!


The Serpent Mound is located (in agelessness mystique) on an earthwork about a 100 feet above the Little Miami River near Loudon in Adams County Ohio (an area also known as Fort Ancient). The Serpent is a quarter mile long (~1300 feet), and is the largest known serpent effigy in the world .. and with it's unmistakable undulating body, it's tail curling like an effigy of the sun, and with the open mouth embracing the Celestial Egg3 .. there can be little question of the mound builders intent.

This effigy is an expression of the belief that Jupiter is the Matriarchal progenitor of the earth.

It's never sufficient, however, to just say so .. so let's look at the evidence .. starting with why this ancient mound was built (as it was) at 39o north latitude. The illustrations will tell the story .. but it's worth our time to consider a view that was expressed by Carl Bjork in an article titled, Semiotic relationships and Rock Art Sites.4 Carl wrote, "Many Native American friends have told me, It is the location of the site that is important .. the art came later."

So while keeping location in mind, we could suggest that the Serpent, at 83o W longitude, was placed to be consistent with the fact that Jupiter's Eye, covering 17% of it's face, left 83% (of longitude) to define the remaining circumference (see Carl Munck's illustration5).

Another matter relates to an apparent discrepancy between the N vs S latitudes of the Serpent Mound and the Eye of Jupiter .. In answer we should recall that the mound builders had no choice .. they lived in North America!

Next let's look at the Serpent Mound as it relates to the Eye of Horus. The obvious point of comparison is in what I'd earlier described as it's tail curling like an effigy of the sun!

For an effigy of the sun is exactly what it describes. The earth recall, is formed at the very core of Jupiter where the energies of accretion (the bit by bit putting together) occur. >From there it follows (as we put our faith in the graphics) a somewhat meandering path to the surface.


In The Migration of Symbols, (a subject germane to this study) Count Goblet d'Alviella wrote ..
"In all systems of writing, in conformity with the popular rule .. the part is equal to the whole in the matter of symbols."6

We're about to see an example of the truth in this .. for everywhere in the ancient world we encounter unwavering dedication to continuity and purpose .. and if we grant them their dues .. the Ancients will astound us with their science.

In preparation .. please look again at the Eye of Horus and observe the Jupiter style knitted-band pattern at the base .. observing too, that just below the Eye (on the down-standing leg) there is a small projection.

There is a Chumash equivalence to this .. called a Tomol .. their word for boat!

JUPITER (aka, Jove; aka, Zeus) was the King of the Gods, the ruler of Olympus and the patron of the Roman state. And strange as it may seem, and by all accounts .. modern and ancient .. with a gaseous composition of 90% hydrogen and 10% helium .. Jupiter is a Brown Dwarf.

So if someone knowledgeable, and in an artful manner .. was to depict Jupiter as a brown dwarf and the Matriarchal progenitor of the earth, we would expect the rendering to embrace every element of the concept .. from the hydrogen environment of the interior .. to the browns and greens of a terrestrial planet's plains and forests. So it is, and in satisfying manner .. the Chumash Rock Art7 is true to these expectations. There's not one element in contradiction .. ...

The color spectrum of hydrogen is a bluish lavender .. helium adding a tinge of yellow, and the drawing {does in fact} change to the browns and greens of a biological environment as the Tomol moves to the top of the image!

We would also expect (if this imagery is depicting Jupiter) that it would be faithful to the concepts of the knitted bands across the face of Jupiter.

And so it is .. the knitted-bands are faithfully depicted by parallel ropes and the movement within Jupiter is depicted by the Tomol .. the Chumash symbol of transport .. and as expected, the Tomol's central movement {being set between these knitted bands} is upward .. toward the surface! While a downward movement is demonstrated in an adjacent path .. but this time the Tomol is incomplete, suggesting thereby, that it has dispelled it's precious cargo .. and is going back for more!

The Tomol acts in this sense like a barge moving between the core of Jupiter and it's surface .. just like the small protuberance on the down-standing leg on the imagery of the Eye of Horus suggests!

The Chumash art is full of demons and goblins .. the Navaho would explain it by saying that the earth was populated by people that once lived in caves near the center of the earth and they emerged in the light in the company of God spirits!

And as it relates to it's ultimate origin in Egypt .. it can be said that in whole .. the art is depicted on a central rock with a very distinctive eye brow above and flowing toward the left .. giving it an overall likeness to the Eye of Horus!

We could end the story here .. but that would be an injustice .. because we've not looked into the why's of JUPITER of Greek and Roman times (aka, Jove; aka, Zeus) .. and you've not heard the Chumash story of The Rainbow Bridge!

copyright©JamesBowlesJune2002, all rights reserved


1.) JamesBowles, author, The Gods, Gemini, and the Great Pyramid, (1998), is a graduate of Michigan State and Eastern Michigan Universities. Jim, now retired, was an engineer in the aerospace and automotive industries, and (wondering now when he had the time) he taught physics, math and hydraulics nights at the local community college.

2.) Spell 66, The Book of the Dead, R. O. Faulkner

3.) The figure of the Serpent Mound is from "Introduction to Images from World History, The use authorization is expressed as: "Most images are copyrighted, and so I rely on "fair use doctrine" to display them for non-profit educational purposes .. you are free to use anything from this site for a similar purpose.."

4.) Carl Bjork's website is

5.) The Serpent Mound, Loudon, Ohio, from The Code©, pg. 11, by Carl Munck, (when I spoke to Carl about it's use, he replied, All you need to do is ask! So I did.

6.) Count Goblet d'Alviella, The Migration of Symbols, University Books, New York, 1956, Pg. 96

7.) Courtesy of the San Diego Unified School District's Patterns Project, a federally funded Technology Literacy Challenge Grant (used with permission).

8.) R.O. Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, Aris & Phillips Ltd, Toddington House, Warminster, Wiltshire BA 12 8PQ, U.K. ISBN 0 85668 297 7

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