Ancient Times

JUPITER, and the Eye of Horus©

by James Bowles, author of The Gods, Gemini, and the Great Pyramid

In the article, The Hammer and the Pendulum, Richard Noone wrote,
"the science we see at the dawn of recorded history is not science at its dawning, but represents the remnants of the science of some great and as yet untraced civilization."1

If these words are meaningful to the reader, than this closeup photograph of the great Eye of Jupiter will be remarkable for it's likeness to the ancient concepts of the Eye of Horus and the Serpent mouthing the Celestial Egg.

It goes without saying, however, that some would reject the words without further thought .. what then would they say of this motif on Jupiter? Would it then not exist?

Or would it be that some would turn their heads and say, .. "It's coincidence ...?"

What follows now, is not coincidence, it is the story of Jupiter and the Egyptian god Horus, seen here as a hawk with it's wings spread .. like the gaping mouth of the serpent on the face of Jupiter .. poised and ready to engulf the adorning Eye!

The caricature is so accurate in detail that it challenges dispute .. while at the same time it gives rise to a reminder .. that other than as suggested here, the Eye of Jupiter as the Celestial Egg of myth and lore has no other origin of record!

Pure luck has played it's part as well .. because never before have we known what the Ancients actually thought .. but this time we do .. for not only is the Eye of Horus accurate in detail with respect to the Eye on the face of Jupiter .. this time we've found legible records telling us what they believed .. and how they honored it in celebration! These records are etched in stone in the pyramids of Saqqara and are known to us as the Pyramid Texts.2 .. The first passage (§ 1806) reads..

"O Osiris the King, the gods have knit together your face for you and Horus has given you his Eye, that you may see with it."

The story now becomes intriguing vis-a-vi the unraveling of three mini-mysteries!

~ Who is Horus?

~ What is special about Jupiter?

~ What else is said about (§ 1806) in the Pyramid Texts

HORUS is probably the most mis-understood diety of ancient Egypt. He was never a god himself, although as an icon he was to gain lasting fame and godly stature. Horus was the metaphorical son of Osiris and Isis and profiled everything that was noble and decent, he was motion and he was light, he was fruitfulness and all that was beautiful, and in the most eloquent manner of his being, he represented the nobleness of the role of union in the act of procreation in the budding newness of man's existance!

Is it a wonder then .. that he was personified with wings spread .. as a noble hawk poised to embrace the celestial Egg?

JUPITER (aka, Jove; aka, Zeus) was the King of the Gods, the ruler of Olympus and the patron of the Roman state. And strange as it may seem, and by all accounts .. modern and ancient .. with a gaseous composition of 90% hydrogen and 10% helium .. Jupiter is a Brown Dwarf.3

Brown dwarfs, like Jupiter, emit radiation but are too small to be stars. Their principle feature are the storm systems with their high velocity winds that operate in opposite directions to register tell-tail banded cloud patterns on their surfaces.

The strange permanence of the winds make for a knitted appearance between adjacent bands of storms .. hence it was that the Ancients wrote so memorably ... (while identifying Jupiter as Osiris the King)

"O Osiris the King, the gods have knit together your face for you."

BROWN DWARFS do other things that are far more interesting than their storms .. they eject in missle fashion .. planetary bodies.4

The Ancients believed that Jupiter, being what we call a Brown Dwarf, was the Matriarchal progenitor of the earth. Earth was fashioned, as their story goes, within the very depths of Jupiter, and was ejected into space through the stormy Eye and the mouth of the serpent .. as Horus of the Gods.5

It was this belief that was eternally immortalized in the motif of the Eye of Horus.6

The gods who knit the face of Jupiter, were the nine of the Ennead, Atum, Shu, Tefenet, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys. One can see in the Texts that the gods would use these names when speaking .. but when the gods performed tasks the names would assume modifiers. Hence it was that Osiris was Osiris the King when as a god he was Jupiter.

A manner, by the way, that carried over to Greek and Roman times (aka, Jove; aka, Zeus)!

And this brings us to the point, starting with the Ten Day Festival, of seeing what else was said.

The Ancients celebrated special events in festival form .. there were three-day, sixth-day and ten-day festivals; New Moon and Festivals of Red Linen .. but the Ten-Day Festival was special because it was celebrated in commemoration of Jupiter and the Eye of Horus in (§ 1067)
"THE EYE OF HORUS will come to you at the ten-day festival while you yearn after it"7

In explanation .. JUPITER rotates once around every 10 hours, while the earth rotates once around every 24 hours. As each goes through their respective rotation .. it will take ten days for them to come back into synchronization and for Jupiter's Eye to appear again in exactly the same way .. and just as the ancient records say ..

The Eye of Horus will come .. "while you yearn after it"!

The final note of this extraordinary story falls on Horus, son of Osiris the King ..

"O Osiris the King, may your vision be cleared by means of the light .. and be brightened by the dawn8 {for} I am Horus who came forth from the Eye of Horus .. I am Horus of the Gods .. and I have lighted on the vertex of Re in the prow of his bark which is in the Abyss."9

And the earth was born and the light shone on it's shores for the first time!

copyright©JamesBowlesJune2002, all rights reserved


In the Preface,2 R.O. Faulkner wrote} "The Pyramid Texts of Ancient Egypt were carved on the walls of the pyramids of King Wenis of the end of the Fifth Dynasty .. and constitute the oldest corpus of Egyptian religious and literature now extant, (and) represent the least corrupt of all collections of funerary texts."

The research that I present in my book The Gods, Gemini, and the Great Pyramid, however, suggest that rather than funerary, these ancient Texts are Biblical in nature and are essentially Creation Texts.

Hence it was that the Eye of Horus, and the belief that the earth originated within Jupiter, was immortalized, not only in the motif of Horus, but in the eye shadow that adorned the faces of the ancient Egyptians in replication of the great Eye of Jupiter, and in observance of our ultimate beginnings."


1.) Richard W. Noone, The Hammer and the Pendulum, (Copyright © November, 1998) NEXUS New Times Magazine, [Australia], Part I, Vol 6, No 2, (Feb-Mar 1999) p 37; Part II, NEXUS, Vol 6, No 3, (Apr-May 1999)

2.) R.O. Faulkner, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, Aris & Phillips Ltd, Toddington House, Warminster, Wiltshire BA 12 8PQ, U.K. ISBN 0 85668 297 7

3.) Photo Credit: The Gemini Observatory of Hawaii. Artwork by Jon Lomberg (used with permission)

4.) Photo credits: T. Nakajima and S. Kulkarni (CalTech) S. Durrance and D. Golimowski (JHU), NASA. The Brown Dwarf pictured is Gliese 229B. The photo on the left was taken by the Palomar Observatory on October 27, 1994. That on the right was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope a year later, November 17, 1995. (used with permission)

5.) Given the relative sizes of Jupiter {88360 miles across} and the length of Jupiter's Eye {at 1/6th of it's visible face, or 14,720 miles} the expulsion of a terrestrial body like the Earth, that is only 7920 miles across, would be an easy matter.

6.) The belief that Jupiter was the progenitor of the earth was wide spread in ancient times, the cultural record varying only in the manner it was expressed.

7.) (§ 1067) The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, R. O. Faulkner

8.) Utterance 639, The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts, R. O. Faulkner

9.) Spell 66, The Book of the Dead, R. O. Faulkner

Forward to Jupiter, the Chumash and the mound builders of Adams County, Ohio

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