Wing Assembly Log









2/3/98; 4.0 hrs; deburred tank ribs; modified tank end ribs; attached fuel pickup cover ring and plate nuts.   wing-11.jpg (34341 bytes)






2/4/98; 2.5 hrs; deburred and fluted ribs. Plans show location of flutes to avoid interference with skin rivets. The purpose of the flutes (small crimps) is to straighten the rib.

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2/5/98; 3.0 hrs; finished deburring and fluting ribs; deburred, drilled, countersunk and Scotchbrited fuse bulkhead for priming.

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2/6/98; 5.25 hrs; fabricated aileron bellcranks; modified bellcrank ribs; fabricated   all rib reinforcing angles.

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Using the bearing to match-drill both halves of an aileron bellcrank.





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You can recognize the RV builder by the rib reinforcing angles in the pocket.......

2/8/98; 2.5 hrs; It's 55 degrees and sunshine! Momma, crank up the spray gun! Primed everything that has been piling up in the shop since the wing kit arrived.


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Fuse bulkhead riveted together and ready for insertion into the fuse jig.






2/14/98; 2.0 hrs; primed everything in sight....




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