Horizontal Stabilizer Construction Log








10/28/97; 1.4 hrs; inventoried emp kit.  
 All the bits and pieces are accounted for and present! 






10/30/97; 4.5 hrs; fabricated and prepared parts for priming rear HS spar & front spar splice plates and hinge brackets.

Primer being used for the project is Sherwin-Williams P60G2 Industrial wash primer. This is a self-etching primer that is mixed with R7K44 catalyst. The primer should be applied in a very thin coat and will be translucent when applied properly. Only surface preparation necessary is to dull the aluminum with a maroon ScotchBrite pad and wipe off the surface with coleman's lantern fuel.



I used Rustoleum gray auto primer on the steel hinge brackets and Sherwin Williams wash primer on the un-clad aluminum. I ended up priming all of the HS skeleton since I had to mix up a batch of primer anyway. 

10/31/97; 8.5 hrs; primed and assembled HS front and rear spars; installed hinge brackets; prepared HS ribs and drilled to rear spar.  

11/1/97; 5.5 hrs; primed HS ribs and riveted to spar; mounted HS rear spar in jig; verified correct dimensions and fit of HS front spar to rear spar and ribs.







 The instructions say to attach all ribs to the spars before mounting the skeleton in the jig. Being the cynic that I am, I didn't trust Van to get all the holes in the right place, so I mounted the rear spar in the jig, clamped and clecoed the front spar into place, and dropped the skins in place to check all the holes. Silly me, they all lined up! Turns out Van knows what he is about after all.... 


11/2/97; 2.5; riveted HS front spar and center nose ribs to HS assembly in jig; verified rib fit and location by trial fitting stab skins; all dimensions ok. 
11/3/97; 4.5 hrs; drilled both HS stab skins; dimpled right skin and skeleton; riveted bottom of right skin. 
 11/5/97; 2.25 hrs; finished riveting right skin; deburred, dimpled left HS skin and skeleton; skin ready for riveting. Rivet gun is the Binford model "Clinch-Nail 3X". 



11/6/97; 1.5 hrs; Completed riveting left skin; HS now complete except for fiberglass tips which will be installed later. 

Total time HS; 30.65 hrs 






The horizontal stab comes out of the jig... 

and is hangered on the shop wall! 
 Forward to Vertical Stabilizer Log 

 Building the tail 



Please submit all questions and comments to sbuc@hiwaay.net