
A Comicall Satyre.

Acted in the yeere 1599. By the then
Lord Chamberlaine his

AA Headpiece

ASPER his Character.
HE is of an ingenious and free spirit, eager and constant in reproofe, without feare controuling the worlds abuses. One, whom no seruile hope of gaine, or frosty apprehension of danger, can make to be a Parasite, either to time, place, or opinion.


AN essentiall Clowne, brother to Sordido, yet so enamour'd of the name of a Gentleman, that he will haue it, though he buyes it. He comes vp euery Terme to learne to take Tobacco, and see new Motions. He is in his kingdome when he can get himselfe into company, where he may be well laught at.
@ Jonson, Workes 77-9]

  MACI. I doe know you, sir.
  CAR.  S'heart, he answeres him like an eccho.
  SOG.  Why, who am I, Sir ?
  MACI. One of those that fortune fauours.
  CAR.  The Periphrasis of a foole ; Ile obserue this better.
  SOG.  That fortune fauours ? how meane you that, friend ?
  MACI. I meane simply. That you are one that liues not by your vvits.
  SOG.  By my wits ? No sir, I scorne to liue by my wits, I. I haue better meanes, I tell thee, then to take such base courses, as to liue by my wits. Sbloud, doest thou thinke I liue by my wits ?

  SOGL. Nay, I will haue him, I am resolute for that. By this parchment, gentlemen, I haue beene so toil'd among the Harrots yonder, you will not beleeue, they doe speake i' the strangest language, and giue a man the hardest termes for his money, that euer you knew.
  CARL. But ha' you armes ? ha you armes ?
  SOGL. Yfaith, I thanke them, I can write my selfe gentleman now, here's my pattent, it cost me thirtie pound, by this breath.
  PVNT. A very faire coat, well charg'd, and full of armorie.
  SOGL. Nay, it has as much varietie of colours in it, as you haue seene a coat haue, how like you the crest, sir ?
  PVNT. I vnderstand it not well, what is't ?
  SOGL. Mary, sir, it is your Bore without a head Rampant.
  PVNT. A Boore without a head, that's very rare !
  CARL. I, and rampant too : troth, I commend the Heralds wit, hee has decyphered him well : A swine without a head, without braine, wit, any thing indeed, ramping to gentilitie. You can blazon the rest, signior ? can you not ?
  SOGL. O, I, I haue it in writing here of purpose, it cost me two shillings the tricking.
  CARL. Let's heare, let's heare.
  SOGL. How like you 'hem, signior ?
  PVNT. Let the word bee, Not without mustard; your crest is very rare, sir.
  CARL. A frying pan, to the crest, had had no fellow.
  FAST.  Intreat your poore friend to walke off a little, signior, I will salute the knight.

  SAVI.  O excellent : why gallants, is this hee that cannot bee decipher'd ? they were verie bleare-witted, yfaith, that could not discerne the gentleman in him.
  PVNT. But, doe you, in earnest, ladie ?
  SAVI.  Doe I, sir ? why, if you had any true court-iudgement in the carriage of his eye, and that inward power that formes his countenance, you might perceiue his counterfeiting as cleere, as the noone-day : Alas--me he was a gentleman, but presented him for a true clowne indeede ; and then haue seene if I could haue decipher'd him.
  FAST. 'Fore god, her ladiship sayes true (knight :) but does he not affect the clowne most naturally, mistresse ?
  PVNT. O, shee cannot but affirme that, out of the bountie of her iudgement.
  SAVI.  Nay, out of doubt hee does well, for a gentleman, to imitate ; but I warrant you, he becomes his natural carriage of the gentleman, much better then his clownerie.
  FAST. 'Tis strange, in truth, her ladiship should see so farre into him !
  PVNT. I, is't not ?
  SAVI.  Faith, as easily as may be : not decipher him, quoth you ?
  FVNG. Good sadnesse, I wonder at it !
  MACI. Why, has she decipher'd him, gentlemen ?
  PVNT. O, most miraculously, and beyond admiration !
  MACI. Is't possible ?
  FAST. Shee hath gather'd most infallible signes of the gentleman in him, that's certaine.
  SAVI.  Why, gallants, let mee laugh at you, a little : was this your deuice, to trie my iudgement in a gentleman ?
  MACI. Nay, ladie, doe not scorne vs, though you haue this gift of perspicacie aboue others : What if hee should bee no gentleman now, but a clowne indeed, ladie ?
  PVNT. How thinke you of that ? would not your ladiship bee out of your humour ?
  FAST. O, but shee knowes it is not so.
  SAVI.  What if he were not a man, yee may as well say ? nay, if your worships could gull me so, indeed, you were wiser then you are taken for.
  MACI. In good faith, ladie, hee is a verie perfect clowne, both by father, and mother : that I'le assure you.
  SAVI.  O, sir, you are verie pleasurable.
  MACI. Nay, doe but looke on his hand, and that shall resolue you : looke you, ladie, what a palme here is.
  SOGL. Tut, that was with holding the plough.
  MACI. The plough ! did you discerne any such thing in him, madame ?
  FAST. Faith no, she saw the gentleman as bright, as at noon-day, shee : shee decipher'd him at first.
  MACI. Troth, I am sorrie your ladiships sight should be so suddainly strooke.
  SAVI.  O, you're goodly beagles !
  FAST. What, is she gone ?

