The following infomation is summarized from "Dire Invasion" by Williams Tracy which appeared in _Dragon_ #112 (1986). Quite frankly, I had forgotten about it until Nick Evanko asked for it for his Marvel Super Heroes RPG Page ( The HTML version is available at . ROM Spaceknight of Galador (Inactive) Fighting: INCREDIBLE(40) Agility: EXCELLENT(20) Strength: INCREDIBLE(40) Endurance: MONSTROUS(75) Reason: EXCELLENT(20) Intuition: EXCELLENT(20) Psyche: GOOD(10) Health: 175 Karma: 50 Resources: AMAZING (goverment backed) Popularity: 20 Talents: None Known Powers: FLIGHT - Unearthly speed in space, Monstrous in atmosphere. Locate space warps with Monstrous ability and range, allowing shortcuts through space with Class 1000 range. BODY ARMOR - Incredible protection against physical, radiation, heat-based, and cold-based attacks. Indefinite survival in space. REGENERATION - Good Equipment/Weapons: Kept in hyperspace fold and mentally summoned and used in one turn. ENERGY ANALYZER - Reveal Dire Wraiths, detect others' power potential, trace energy trails. TRANSLATOR - Translate any language in six turns, allowing Rom to speak it at will. NEUTRALIZER - Send Dire Wraiths to Limbo (alive). Rom loses all Karma for killing any being. Ranged from neutralizing radiation in beings up to killing beings. Anyone other than Rom who tries to use it suffers Monstrous damage, but touching is okay. STARSHINE I and II Landra(I) and Brandy Clark(II) Spaceknights of Galador I (Deceased) II (Inactive) Fighting: REMARKABLE(30) EXCELLENT(20) Agility: INCREDIBLE(40) INCREDIBLE(40) Strength: INCREDIBLE(40) INCREDIBLE(40) Endurance: MONSTROUS(75) MONSTROUS(75) Reason: EXCELLENT(20) TYPICAL(6) Intuition: GOOD(10) TYPICAL(6) Psyche: GOOD(10) TYPICAL(6) Health: 185 175 Karma: 40 18 Resources: AMAZING AMAZING Popularity: 10 10 Talents: None Known Powers: FLIGHT - Unearthly (see ROM) BODY ARMOR - Incredible (see ROM) REGENERATION - Good LIGHT POWERS - Project light beams from eyes for Unearthly concussive damage or less. Also emit normal light. CINDY ADAMS Orphan Fighting: POOR(4) Agility: TYPICAL(6) Strength: FEEBLE(2) Endurance: POOR(4) Reason: TYPICAL(6) Intuition: GOOD(10) Psyche: REMARKABLE(30) Health: 16 Karma: 46 Known Powers: SPECIAL INTUITION - Yellow Psyche FEAT roll to guess what Dire Wraiths are up to given enough clues. Referee should decide how much she guesses. ROCKETEERS Real names unknown Fighting: EXCELLENT(20) Agility: GOOD(10) Strength: GOOD(10) Endurance: GOOD(10) Reason: TYPICAL(6) Intuition: TYPICAL(6) Psyche: TYPICAL(6) Health: 50 Karma: 18 Known Powers: BATTLE-SUIT - Fly at Good speed and provide Good protection against physical attacks. RANGED WEAPON - Portable rocket launchers with four area range doing Incredible damage. Maximum of five rockets carried. Note: Original Rocketeers human (these statistics), later one Dire Wraiths. DIRE WRAITHS Fighting: GOOD(10) Agility: POOR(4) Strength: REMARKABLE(30) Endurance: REMARKABLE(30) Reason: REMARKABLE(30) Intuition: TYPICAL(6) Psyche: GOOD(10) Health: 74 Karma: 46 Resources: AMAZING Known Powers: SHAPE-SHIFTING - Change form for combat, often a Deathwing: F A S E R I P Go Ex Ty Re Re Ty Go Health: 66 Karma: 46 Fly at Typical speed and breathe fire once per turn for Incredible damage with Typical range. SPECIAL ATTACK - Barbed tongue with acid could instantly penetrate human skull. Excellent damage to armor each turn. Monstrous or better material could not be penetrated. Range of one area. Must completely surprise victim or grapple with hold result. Referee should allow dodge or escape roll since hit means instant death. Right after hit, victim turns to dust and Wraith can become perfect duplicate of victim, including memories and voice. Physical abilities become those of new form and lose all abilities except shape-shifting. If more damage taken than new form can take, revert to original form and retain damage. HEAT RESISTANCE - Half damage from fire- and heat-based attacks. Double damage from cold-based. MAGIC - Females have Monstrous Psyches and Good Reason and can cast spells. HELLHOUNDS Fighting: EXCELLENT(20) Agility: EXCELLENT(20) Strength: GOOD(10) Endurance: REMARKABLE(30) Reason: FEEBLE(2) Intuition: GOOD(10) Psyche: POOR(4) Health: 80 Karma: 16 Known Powers: PHASING - Similar to Shadowcat. Machinery phased through must make Endurance FEAT roll or be scrambled or inoperative. Machinery without Endurance score scrambled automatically. Mechanical beings take Incredible damage, while battle suits and other machiner inoperative for 10 turns. Hellhounds attack with phase, using Fighting FEAT roll to determine success. Success indicates phase through person causing Remarkable damage. Victim must make yellow Endurance FEAT roll or fall unconcious 1-10 turns. HYBRID Fighting: GOOD(10) Agility: EXCELLENT(20) Strength: GOOD(10) Endurance: MONSTROUS(75) Reason: EXCELLENT(20) Intuition: EXCELLENT(20) Psyche: UNEARTHLY(100) Health: 115 Karma: 140 Known Powers: FLIGHT - Typical speed with mental abilities. MENTAL ATTACK - Unearthly damage. MENTAL POWERS - Telepathy, image generation, telekinesis, and mind control at Unearthly levels. BODY ARMOR - Skin provides Excellent protection against physical attacks. SHAPE-SHIFTING - Monstrous MAGIC - Uses Personal and Universal enegergies with Remarkable skill. Spaceknight character generation Die roll Fighting score 01-60 Excellent 61-80 Remarkable 81-96 Incredible 97-99 Amazing 00 Monstrous Die roll Agility or Strength score 01-10 Excellent 11-30 Remarkable 31-70 Incredible 71-90 Amazing 91-00 Monstrous Die roll Endurance 01-30 Amazing 31-90 Monstrous 91-00 Unearthly Endurance refers only to need for rest as Spaceknights can survivce deep space indefinitely. Reason and Intuition Roll as per Campaign Book, but shift two ranks to right to represent advanced civilization. Psyche Roll as normal. All Spaceknights have Rom and Starshine's flight, body armor, and regeneration abilities. May also roll randomly for 1-2 extra powers with these variations: Resistances and Senses - Protected Senses, Extraordinary Senses, and Infravision are possible. Movement - Lightning Speed and Teleportation are possible. Nature Control - Not possible. Energy Control - All possible. Body Control - All possible except Plasticity, Shape-shifting, and Body Transformation. Distance Attacks - All possible. Mental Powers - All possible. Body Alteration (Offensive) - All possible. Body Alteration (Defensive) - All possible. Weapons - Only Unique Weapon possible. Remember powers are produced by battle suit. Power rank should be shifted right one column for advanced technology and should not exceed Monstrous. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Courtesy Lee K. Seitz of Rom, Spaceknight Revisited ( -----------------------------------------------------------------