In Global Sacred Alignments, Terry Walsh diagrams the alignment of Palenque with Bimini, Fatima, Luxor, Mecca and the Tongariro World Heritage site in New Zealand. Abydos, the Valley of the Kings, Siwa, Lake Taupo and Coba are also on this alignment.

Image © Cosmi 3-D World Atlas

The axis points of this great circle are 49° 09' S, 23° 24' W and 49° 09' N, 156° 36' E. The great circle crosses the equator at 113° 24' W and 66° 36' E. The upper latitudes are 40° 51' N at 23° 24' W and 40° 51' S at 156° 36' E.

Links: Latitude Longitude To Great Circle
Palenque 17° 32' N 91° 58' W 0 miles
Coba 20° 31' N 87° 39' W 3 miles
Bimini 25° 46' N 79° 15' W 2 miles
Siwa 29° 14' N 25° 31' E 20 miles
Abydos 26° 11' N 31° 55' E 5 miles
Luxor 25° 43' N 32° 35' E 4 miles
Mecca 21° 26' N 39° 53' E 6 miles
Tongariro 39° 17' S 175° 33' E 0 miles

The distance along this great circle from Luxor to Palenque is 7690 miles. This is the same as the great cirlce distance from Giza to Nazca, creating a terrestrial triangle with the same angular dimensions as the great pyramid and creating the same φ relationship along this alignmnet. The distance along this great circle from Coba to Tongariro is 7464 miles. This is the same as the distance from Giza to Ollantaytambo, creating a terrestrial triangle with the same angular dimensions as the second pyramid at Giza and creating the same π and φ relationships along this alignment.