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Personal Growth

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Personal Growth and Development

From the Editor's Desk:

My New Year's Non-Resolutions -- By Regina Pickett Garson I've never liked the idea of New Year's Resolutions. If you make them, you feel like you are somehow accountable. Still, as the holiday festivities wind down, I enjoy curling up and spending some time thinking. This is not a long assignment, just a few moments with a nice cup of coffee, a pen and a piece of scratch paper.

Articles and Information:

Scrooged - A Dickens of a Way to Manage Change! -- By Martin Haworth
Managing change in our lives and in our businesses is vital in the modern environments in which we live. There is much to learn from that old and cantankerous Dickens character, Mr Ebenezer Scrooge himself...
The Most Deadly Disease of All: DENIAL -- By Michael McCright
No matter what the statistics show about Heart Disease or Cancer, or any other disease, the disease of DENIAL kills more people every year than any other disease.
Join A Support Group And Reduce Your Stress Levels -- By Royane Real
When you are facing a particularly difficult time in life, support groups can help you on your journey.
Little Things make Life Meaningful -- Article by Michael Holmboe Meyer about reaching out to each other.
Show Yourself how Much You Care -- By Regina Garson, Editor Magic Stream
What Makes People The Happiest? -- Researchers Say It's Not Money Or Popularity. APA Study Finds Autonomy, Competence, Relatedness and Self-Esteem at Top of List of Psychological Needs

Short Story:

The Man Who Sat Around All Day And Did Nothing -- A Short Story By Araykay
An old fashioned fable, with a happy ending.

See Also:

Personality and IQ Tests at Magic Stream
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