8th Month



31 Days

This month like last one was named fer one of the Ceeser boys, a feller they called Augustus. Fokes borned this monthe are apt to have a heap of soleumn dignities. In general, we figger they get so solemn because they got a lot of thinking to do about getting ready fer winter, which aint so fer away.

Date Day moon signs Today in History or Thereabouts Birthday Predictions and Observations
1 Su AR Colorado become a state--1876 You will get into action over something today in a hurry.
2 Mo AR J. Bull and U. Sam sign arbitrate treaty--1911 Today you air going to be boss of whatever hit is you're doing.
3 Tu GE We can't figger out what happened today We can't tell fer sure, but looks like a raise in pay coming.
4 We GE Chicago packing plant fire--1932 Watch out fer warnings today, and he careful of what you get into.
5 Th CAN Puritans leave fer America--1620 You will be happy to home today.
6 Fr CAN Alfred L. Tennyson borned--1809 There is a new job coming today.
7 Sa LE Ottawa made capital of Canada--1858 You will probly lose some old friend in some little squabble.
8 Su LE America's Cup Yacht race held--1870 You got a lover who will visit you.
9 Mo LE Gen. Gibbon fit Nez Perces Indians-- 1877 Good news will be heard today, not on the party line.
10 Tu VI Missouri made a state--1821 A lot of luck is coining to you quick.
11 We VI Dog days are over fer this year You will be safe from those troubles you nearly get into today.
12 Th LI Hawaii made a annex to U. S.-- 1898 Several little troubles will pester you. Sounds like moskitos.
13 Fr LI Big wind and rain in Texas--1932 Good day fer being nice to fokes you like.
14 Sa LI Atlantic cable bust again--1865 A influentials friend is going to visit you and be a help.
15 Su SC Napoleon borned--1769 If you work hard today hit will be good fortune.
16 Mo SA Yesterday, 1771, Sir Walter Scott borned Some feller is going to interduce you to a new kind of business.
17 Tu SA Memphis earthquake--1865 You will get into at least for or five little fights today.
18 We SA Reports out hit was a tap dance convent ion That ambition you had you are going to find come true today.
19 Th CAP Big Maine tornado--1852 Somebody is going to leave you a lot of money.
20 Fr CAP General Booth dies--1912 Hold your ear out fer secrets that you will hear and ort to know.
21 Sa CAP Charter oak at Hartford blowed down--1856 You will be influentials in helping some fokes to settle their troubles.
22 Su AQ Town of Woodland, wis., blowed down--1857 You got a little sickness coming. Probly a toothache.
23 Mo AQ Lum Ed'ards dimands law agin big winds--1937 New friends and a lot of money are on the way.
24 Tu PI Grandpap says big winds include Lum--1937 A visitor will call on you today.
25 We PI Julius Caesar landed at Dover--B. C. 55 Y ou will think up a batch of good new plans.
26 Th AR Big R. R. wreck at Revere,Mass., 1871 You got a lot of ambitions, and will get there.
27 Fr AR National Jack of all trades day Fine day fer fellers that useter be newspaper reporters.
28 Sa AR French reach the Somme--1918 Some feller has got bad blood again you.
29 Su AR Mose Moots says it was Somme battle You will start off a big chain of importance events today.
30 Mo GE Big Bill Haywood sentenced--1918 Happiness, sucksess and travel all come today.
31 Tu GE John Bunyan died--1688 Be on the lookout fer trouble.