7th Month



31 Days

Julius Ceesers give his name to this month. A long time ago he was the feller that run the country Mussolini is the boss of now. Practical ever place we know abouts is hot in July, which must be the reasons why fokes borned this month most generally have a hot day fer a birthday lesson hits Fourth of July when hit always rains.

Date Day moon signs Today in History or Thereabouts Birthday Predictions and Observations
1 Th PI As predicted yesterday, this is July 1 This is your day to be let in fer a lot of happiness.
2 Fr PI Temple Comet discovered--1873 You are going to be a big sucksess in business.
3 Sa AR Reports out the comet was early skyrocket--1873 You will be engaged in a short time, and you will be happily married.
4 Su AR This day has been the Forthajuly since--1776 Big trouble are coming, but don't worry they will be overcame.
5 Mo AR Yesterday, hit rained at most picnics A lot of fun is going to come your way today. Nothing real big.
6 Tu AR U.S. Justice John Marshall died--1835 Fine day fer puttering around to home.
7 We GE Midsummer day--old-style Nice business day, and good fer farmers.
8 Th GE Commodore Perry arrived at Japan--1853 Your job is going to get better for you.
9 Fr CAN Gen. Braddock got licked--1755 Those troubles you got to home air going to be all cleared up today.
10 Sa CAN Chris Columbus borned--1447 Start of some big trip. Probly in to Mount Idy.
11 Su LE Columbus asked his ma for a map--1448 Big news will arrive today. Probly that fat travelling man from Kansas City.
12 Mo LE Big New York riot--1871 Your troubles today will be little fellers, and of no count.
13 Tu VI Capt. Cook sails on second world voyage--1772 Good luck day. You'll wake up dreaming of four leaf clovers.
14 We VI Cornell won inter-college boat race--1875 This day aint half so lucky fer you as yesterday.
15 Th VI Chateau-Thierry battle fit--1918 Look out for getting into one big fight.
16 Fr LI Big railroad strike commences--1877 You got some aches coming today, but they will get better. Probly sun pains.
17 Sa LI Pine Ridge dedicates Railroad station--1957 The argyment you get into today you air going to win.
18 Su SC Fock pushes Allied attack--1918 You will make some sacrifice today that will get you a big reward.
19 Mo SC Uncommon hot day in Mount Idy Don't start off on any trips today.
20 Tu SC And here too, come to think of it Some old friend will make you especial happy today.
21 We SA Bobby Burns died--1796 There is a big upset coming for you today if you aren't careful.
22 Th SA Big Pittsburgh riot--1877 If you air ambitious you will be a sucksess starting out today.
23 Fr CAP Annual hay making day--any year This is the day fer you to go places.
24 Sa CAP Dog days start today Be on the lookout fer troubles.
25 Su CAP Hold on, Abner, dog days start today You will make a new friend and discover something today.
26 Mo AQ Alright, Lum. Correction made. Fire away Somebody you thought was a friend really aint.
27 Tu AQ Earmuffs and overcoats fer sale--Jot 'em Down (Ad) Today is a good day to be lazy.
28 We PI Austria and Serbia went to war--1914 You will be invided to a wedding.
29 Th PI Dog days still holding good--1937 There is a big serprise in the news fer you.
30 Fr AR New Orleans massacre--1866 Prosperous business day.
31 Sa AR Phoebe Cary died--1871 You will start a dangerous adventure, but hit will be a sucksess.