11th Month



30 Days

Scorpions, which is the sign for November, aint to be fooled with. Neither are folkses born in November. These folks is their own best bosses, and if left to mind their own business they are successes. Good doctors generally pick out this month to be born in.

Date Day moon signs Today in History or Thereabouts Birthday Predictions and Observations
1 Su AR All Saints Day. Stamp Act became law--1765 It you want us to do another almanac write today.
2 Mo AR N and S Dakota turned into states--1889 One division 'twixt north and south that aint the Mason-Dixon line.
3 Tu GE 43 shopping days to Christmas Birthday of good sensible folks that shop and mail early.
4 We GE Austria-Hungary quit the war--1918 Born today--folks who get tired of wars.
5 Th SC Gunpowder Plot--1605 Fellers caught that wanted to make Parliament a skyrocket.
6 Fr SC New York women get to vote--1917 Birthday for lady soap box orators and politicians.
7 Sa LE Battle of Tippecanoe--1811 Abner says you ought to sit down in canoes and not tip 'em.
8 Su LE Montana became a state--1889 Birthday for childrens named Helena, Garrison. Lolo, Bonner and Seely.
9 Mo LE Kaiser Bill quits his job--1918 Poor birthday for kaisers and other throne warmers.
10 Tu VI Tomorrow. 1889, Washington made a state Tomorrow--1936--Tacoma will argue with Seattle.
11 We VI Everybody in Europe quit fighting--1918 And the rest of creation said thank gosh, that's over.
12 Th LI Uncle Joe Cannon died--1926 Passing of one of our best known statesmen.
13 Fr LI The actor. Edwin Booth, born--1833 Today is birthday for folks that go on the stage and some that don't.
14 Sa LI Pikes Peak discovered--1806 Funny anything as big as that should be lost.
15 Su SC Radio broadcasting got started--1922 Birthday for loudspeakers, sopranos and cats.
16 Mo SC Oklahoma admitted to Union--1907 Birthday for oil men and Indians.
17 Tu SA Congress met for first time in Wash.--1800 Today usually picked as birthday by congressmen.
18 We SA Hungary becomes a republic 1918 Fellers born today invented the revolving door and gum drops.
19 Th SA Gettysburg address--1863 "Four score and seven years ago--"
20 Fr CAP 'bout a week to turkey day Fine day for sharpening up the axe.
21 Sa CAP Pirate Blackbeard was took--1718 Folks that catch badmen born today.
22 Su AQ I found dog day Childrens born today like boots, huntin' jackets and shot guns.
23 Mo AQ U.S. troops leave Vera Cruz 1911 Folks born today decide to mind their own business.
24 Tu PI Zack Taylor born--1784 Future presidents from Louisiana born today.
25 We PI Red Coats left for home--1783 Dedicated to folks who get tired of having their toes stepped on.
26 Th AR Thanksgiving Day Birthday for anybody that likes turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.
27 Fr AR Day after Thanksgiving Folks born today generally get what's left from yesterday.
28 Sa AR Washington Irving died--1839 But his invention, Ichabod Crane, goes marching on.
29 Su AR Peaceable day in Pine Ridge We're pretty sure this is Elizabeth Peabody's birthday.
30 Mo GE Mark Twain born--1835 Birthday for famous humorists. Lum says this is his birthday.