1st Month



31 Days

Because folks born in January are under the sign of Capricorn, they're supposed to suffer from cold and chills, but between the two of us and the kitchen stove over yonder, January is just dad-blamed chilly for almost everybody. Our advice is to take the skin off a Capricorn and make yourself a goat-hair coat.

Date Day moon signs Today in History or Thereabouts Birthday Predictions and Observations
1 We PI New Years Day Day for making resolutions.
2 Th PI Georgia ratified constitution--1788 Day for breaking resolutions.
3 Fr AR Battle of Princeton--1777 Birthday fer children who like coon-skin coats.
4 Sa AR Utah became a state--1896 Born today-- people who make flowers sprout in deserts.
5 Su AR Pocahontas hauled her pop off--John Smith--1608 Today's birthday folks don't lose their hair.
6 Mo AR Teddy Roosevelt died--1919 End of the trail for a great patriot.
7 Tu GE National votin' held for first time--1789 Birthday for politickin' folk and flag wavers.
8 We GE Battle of New Orleans fit--1815 Birthday for wives who raise ned with husbands.
9 Th CAN War between the States got started--1861 Fellers started callin' each other "Danged Yank" or "Johnnie Reb".
10 Fr CAN John D. put Standard Oil together--1870 Fellers born today like to have their hair slick.
11 Sa CAN Alexander Hamilton was born--1757 Birthday for folks who sign constitutions and petitions.
12 Su LE John Hancock was born--1737 Handwritin' experts have birthdays today .
13 Mo LE Salmon P. Chase born--1808 Birthday for future secretaries of U . S. Treasury.
14 Tu VI Washington burned up by British--1801 And the durned place has been hot ever since.
15 We VI First steam locomotive in U.S.--1831 Birthdays for folks who puff and blow off steam.
16 Th VI Prohibition Amendment ratified--1919 Birthday of people who like to drink tea.
17 Fr LI Ben Franklin born--1706 Fellers born today fly kites and write almanacs.
18 Sa LI Fuelless Mondays started--1918 But Barnum says there's a fuel gets borned every minute.
19 Su SC Robert E. Lee born--1807 Birthday for future generals and warriors.
20 Mo SC England said "'Nuff!"--1783 George Washington went home to have his socks darned.
21 Tu SC First printing press in America--1639 Birthday for printer's devils and girl reporters.
22 We SA Panama Canal Treaty Signed--1903 Today's birthday's owned by big ditch diggers.
23 Th SA Not much doing today Better wait and be borned tomorrow.
24 Fr CAP Gold found in California--1848 Birthday for gold diggers and other prospectors.
25 Sa CAP Eve told Adam she needed warmer clothes--1000 B. C. Adam said he would see what could be done about it.
26 Su AQ Michigan turned into a state--1837 Children born today grow up to work in Detroit motor mines.
27 Mo AQ Edison patented electric lamp--1880 Candlestick makers held war meetin' five minutes after.
28 Tu PI Last spike driv in Panama R.R.--1855 Birthday for folks who hit the nail on the head.
29 We PI Kansas became state--1861 Children born today say "Rock-Chalk, Jay-Hawk, K-U!"
30 Th AR Walter Damrosch born--1862 Resolutions, if you've kep' 'em. is taboo from here on.
31 Fr AR Lum Edwards born--18?? Birthday fine for Presidents, Businessmen, Financiers, Judges, etc.