Walking Thru The Bible

New Testament -- First Timothy

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        	Walking Thru The Bible

                     	1 TIMOTHY



	In addition to all the letters in the New Testament that Paul

 wrote to various churches he wrote four to individuals.  Two of these

 were written to Timothy, one to Titus, and one to Philemon. 

	First and Second Timothy and Titus are often referred to

 by denominational scholars as the Pastoral Epistles due to a

 common misconception of what a Pastor is.  The denominational

 concept is that a Pastor is the preacher "in charge of the affairs

 of the local church."  The New Testament does not teach this. 

 In Acts 20:17-28 we learn that bishops, elders, and pastors are

 three different terms referring to the same group of men in the

 local church doing the same work.  The preacher is not the pastor

 or shepherd of the flock, but the bishops (or elders) are.  In New

 Testament days that was no distinction between bishops, elders

 and pastors.

	Timothy and Titus were fellow-laborers with Paul in the

 work of preaching.  Paul is now an aged, mature, experienced, 

apostle of Jesus Christ and he writes to these two young preachers

 to encourage and instruct them for the work they would need to

 continue to do.


	First Timothy was written after the events recorded in Acts

 took place.  Following Paul's two year imprisonment at Rome

 mentioned in the last chapter of Acts it is believed that Paul was set

 free and enjoyed liberty for two or three years before being reimprisoned

 and finally executed about 66 or 67 AD.

	The facts of these personal epistles of Paul indicate that Paul

 traveled to Crete and left Titus there (Titus 1:3), and left Timothy in

 Ephesus to carry on the work there.  Paul traveled on to Miletus and 

Troas and into Macedonia.

	In the course of this travel Paul wrote First Timothy from

 some place in Macedonia.  He is subsequently arrested again,

 probably in Nicopolis.  Conditions were changing rapidly.  The

 Jews in Palestine were rebelling against Rome; Nero was laying

 the blame for the burning of Rome on the Christians; and persecution

 under Nero grew more sever each day. 

	During his imprisonment Paul was not allowed the freedom

 of a "house arrest" like his first imprisonment described in Acts 28. 

 This time he was confined to the Maritime dungeon, according to tradition,

 and after spending a lonely winter  suffering from the cold he was

 beheaded upon the order of Nero.  It was during this imprisonment he

 wrote 2 Timothy.


	Timothy was born in Lystra of a Greek father and a Jewish

 mother.  He was reared in the Jewish faith and was taught the Scriptures

 by his mother and grandmother from early childhood (2 Tim. 3:15;

 2 Tim. 1:5).  Paul discovered him at Lystra (Acts 16:1-3).  At this point

 in Paul's second missionary journey Timothy joined Paul and shared

 in his labors throughout the rest of his life.

	Timothy was with Paul in his first imprisonment at Rome

 (Col. 1:1; Philemon 1).  After Paul's release he evidently traveled

 with Paul as far as Ephesus and was left there to administer to the

 needs of the Church.  While there, he received these two epistles

 from Paul that bear his name.  Although Timothy is referred to as

 a young men, he is probably about 30 years old at the time he

 receives this epistle.

	Whether Timothy was able to reach Rome in time to

 see Paul before his death is unknown.  But in Paul's second

 letter to him he requests him to come and to bring his cloak

 and parchments (2 Timothy 4:11-21).


	Paul had left Timothy at Ephesus.  The church 

 was faced with threat from various false doctrines.  Paul

 had warned the elders of Ephesus of coming problems in

 Acts 20 several years earlier.

	1.	Paul warns Timothy and the church

 of a failure of faith and charges the young preacher to

 instruct certain men not to teach strange doctrines (1:3). 

 Some had made shipwreck of the faith, such as "Hymenaeus

 and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan" says

 Paul (1:18-20).

	2.	How Christians ought to conduct

 themselves in the work and worship of the church is

 a second underlying thought in Second Timothy.  He 

deals with congregational prayer and worship and how

 Christian women are to dress and behave themselves.

	3.	The earliest elders and deacons in

 the church had been appointed directly by men inspired

 by the Holy Spirit (Acts 14:23; 6:3,6; Acts 20:28) but

 now by inspiration of the Holy Spirit Paul gives written

guidelines for the appointment of elders and deacons

 in chapter three.

	4.	Another general theme of the book

 is especially applicable to all who preach the Gospel

 and is found in First Timothy 3:16: "Take heed to

 thyself and to thy teaching."  Paul exhorts Timothy

 concerning his attitude toward his work and his personal

 example.  He was charged to "rebuke them that sin..."

 and flee any desire to be rich and "keep that which

 is committed to thy trust" (4:6-16; 5:20-22; 6:6-11,20).

	An Outline of First Timothy

Introduction 	 1:1-2


	1.	Danger to sound doctrine			1:3-11

	2.	Example of sound doctrine			1:12-17

	3.	The preacher and sound doctrine		1:18-20


	1.	Prayer					2:1-7

	2.	Men and women in worship			2:8-15


	1.	The elder				3:1-7

	2.	The deacon				3:8-13

	3.	Importance of instructions			3:14-16


	1.	Their coming 				4:1-5

	2.	The preacher and false teachers		4:6-10

	3.	The true service of God			4:11-16


	1.	Care of young and old 		5:1-2

	2.	Care of widows			5:3-16

	3.	Care of elders 			5:17-25

	4.	Care of slaves			6:1-2


	1.	Motives				6:3-10

	2.	Proper walk			6:11-16

	3.	Faithful ministry			6:17-21a

Conclusion 	 6:21b

          	The Christian Widow

                    	1 Timothy 5:3-16


	In 1 Timothy is a description of a Christian woman

 who might be called the virtuous woman of the New Testament. 

 Although this is the most complete description of a Christian

 woman found in Scriptures, we have overlooked her because

 we think of her only as a widow.

1.	The Widow's Lot 	5:3-4, 7-8, 16

	a.	Many good works accomplished before she was a widow.

	b.	Many not now single will probably be one day.

	c.	Widows in Biblical times faced a great desolation.

	d.	Caring for widows is a religious and moral duty-- ch.5

2.	The Widow's Friend	5:5; Luke 2:36-38; 18:1-8

	a.	Loss of mate, companionship, security, confidence-- 

	b.	Her faith-- "set her hope on God" Alone but not forgotten.

	c.	Note prayers recorded by people "all alone" in Bible.

	d.	God made special provisions for widows under the

                old covenant -- Ex. 22:22-23; Deut. 14:28-29; 24:17-19.

	e.	Note New Testament concern:  Acts 6:1; James 1:27

3.	The Widow's Life	5:9-10; 2 Kings 4:1-7

	a.	"Added to the list" of those cared for by the church

                                and who rendered special service for the church.

	b.	Her reputation had to be spotless, based on her 

                morality and her good deeds. (2 Kings, Luke 2)

4.	The Widow's Love	5:10; Ruth 1-4

	a.	Commended for having brought up children-- v.10b

	b.	Motherhood-- 1 Timothy 2:15; Proverbs 29:15

	c.	Parents don't expect to outlive their children--Gen.37:3

	d.	Rearing children (foster children -- Matthew 18:5)

5.	The Widow's Home 	5:10; Luke 4:25-26

	a.	Known for hospitality-- v.10c; I Peter 4:9

	b.	To accept and to give-- (Gen.18; Lk 10:1-12; 1 Cor.10:27)

6.	The Widow's Hands 	 5:10; Ruth 1-4

	a.	Like virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 the Christian

                woman has busy hands-- v.10d;  Acts 9:36-39

	b.	Not too proud for a menial task -- humble

                (not a religious rite, but done a hospitable service

                rendered in the home.)

	c.	Jesus corrected a Pharisee in this matter-- Luke 7:44.

7.	The Widow's Way 	5:10; 2 Sam. 21:1-13

	a.	"Relieved afflicted" --compassionate, caring -- Rom. 12:15;

	b.	Rizpah's love and action -- 2 Samuel 21

8.	The Widow's Walk 	5:10; Mark 12:41-44

	a.	Note her character was formed long before "widowhood."

	See:  Christian Woman  Magazine, Jan / Feb 1988

-- Windell Gann -- Walking Thru the Bible -- http://home.hiwaay.net/~wgann/walk.htm

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