[Personal notes from the wide margin of my ASV Bible. Taken in my FHU class under E. Claude Hall.

Recommended Commentaries: Pulpit, Coffman, & Barnes]

Malachi = “My Messenger”, angel of Yahweh. Malachi was a reformer.

GME = “Prophet of the Universal Worship of God.”

Date: c. 430 - 430 B.C.


1:1     Burden = message.

1:1     Is “Malachi” a name, or simply “my messenger”? Believe this is his name, the author of this book is not anonymous. Literally = “by the hand of Malachi.”


1:2     Lesson on Ingratitude. Man often fails to appreciate God’s love and questions it.

1:2     Lesson: “Look what God has done for you.”

1:2     Note the question-answer method of Malachi’s teaching. A dialectic feature (a contrast of contradictions.) Assertion-objection-rebuttal (7 times: 1:2-3; 1:6-7; 2:10-16' 2:17; 3:7; 3:8; 3:13). There are 23 questions in 55 verses (wg).


1:3     God’s special care for Israel. cf. Rom. 9:13.

1:3     Jacob = worshiper of God; Esau = robber (Edom).


1:4     Lesson: Wickedness is cursed by God.

1:4     Border of wickedness = “the land of iniquity”


1:5     (And v.11) All men should worship the God revealed in the Scriptures.


1:6     The Lord will be magnified from beyond the borders of Israel. By the execution of his judgments upon the wicked; (cf. The oracles against the nations in Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Amos. These were fulfilled prophecies.)


1:6-14         Defective Worship


1:6     Fifth commandment. Israel dishonored the ancient covenant.

1:6     O priests = To whom is this message chiefly directed. Religious leaders. They had become corrupt, thought they were innocent but unconscious of their sins.

1:6-7 Lesson: Sin has an opiate power.


1:7     Bread = flesh.

Table of the Lord = altar where sacrifices were made.

Sounds like the table of shewbred, where the priests were to put fresh bread each week.

1:7     Contemptible = “despised”


1:8     Blind for sacrifice = Deut. 15:21; Leb. 22:19-20. Suppose to offer that without blemish– the best of their flock.


1:9     Insincere Repentance (Irony)

1:9     Your = refers to the priests.

1:9     i.e. the evil of offering blemished animals.

1:9     Regard your persons = i.e. will God show favor to any one because you interceded for him?


1:10   Sarcasms

1:10   ASV “Oh that there were one among you that would shut the doors, that ye might not kindle fire on mine altar in vain!”

1:10   Worship right or Not at all!


1:11   Universal Worship of God in the Messianic Age pictured in Jewish terminology (all day long.)

1:11   Incense = Worship in the messianic age pictured in Jewish terminology (see end of Amos also).

1:11   Pure offering = The only pure offering for the sin of the world in all history = the blood of Christ.

[See notes and Coffman regarding the “th”suffix = present tense here.


1:12   But ye = contrast - priests with gentiles of v. 11.

1:12   Profaned = corrupted it, not sacred., not by words but by actions.

1:12   Table = altar


1:13   What weariness = “an intolerable burden.” The priests performed their duties without heart or faith.

1:13   Snuffed = snorted, (pictured as a horse or cow blows through its nose at something it didn’t like.)

1:13   Which was torn = ASV “which was taken by violence,” i.e. stolen, or unjustly.

1:13   God says, “Should I accept that kind of worship?”


1:14   Reason given for the curse.

1:14   Deceiver = 1) Offers a female on pretense he doesn’t have a male. 2) Vows and pays in blemished sacrifice..

1:14   Dreadful = ASV “terrible” - held in awe and reverence.

1:14   Lesson: He whom the Gentiles honor will not permit his own people to profane his name.

Malachi - Chapter 2 Margin Notes


2:1-9 A Message for Messengers


2:1     commandment = a threat or announcement?


2:2     lay it to heart = give attention to it

2:2     curse your blessing = the blessing the priests gave to the people would be turned into a curse. Like that of Baalam in Numbers 6:22-27.


2:3     Nehemiah 13:1-2

2:3     spread dung = maws - Deut 18:3. Imagine the shame when the sacrifice the priest was killing and splitting open burst its intestine open and spewed upon him.

2:3     taken away with it = This made the priest ceremonially unclean and he could not perform his job until he was cleansed.

2:3b   Treated as filth.


2:5     God’s Gift, and Man’s Part


2:6     The way things ought to be. His teaching and his life were to be good.


2:7     for he is the messenger of the Lord


2:8     But ye ...


2:9     respect of person in the law - perversion of judgment


2:10   The brotherhood of man

2:10   Sound ethics must be based upon sound theology.


2:11   daughter of a foreign god - a woman who is an idolatress


2:12   him that waketh and him that answereth ... master and scholar. Priest and people, as teacher and pupil.


2:13   again... or a second time.

2:13   with tears and weeping – 1) weeping wives (?); or 2) worshipers because their sacrifices are not accepted.

2:13   Worship is spoiled by the tears of those injured.

2:14-16 Marriage is a divine institution

2:14   Marriage is made before God.

2:14   covenant – Prov. 5:18; vows


2:16   God is served by meeting our family obligations.


2:17   Words of skepticism.

1) God hears our words

2) Skeptical words are offensive to God

2:17   Cf. Complains of 3;13-15

2:17   Thinking that evil men were blessed, or today we say, Why do the wicked seem to prosper? Psa. 37 and Psa 73.

2:17   where is the God of justice? = the theme of the next chapter

Malachi - Chapter 3


3:1     my messenger = Matt. 11:10; Mark 1:2; Luke 7:27; Luke 2:22.

3:1     second messenger of the covenant = or angel ? Cf. Heb 9:15, mediator of the new covenant.


3:2     refiner’s fire = separates precious metal from the refuse

3:2     fullers’ soap = washing herb- lye, wash away all filth


3:3     sit = as a judge,

3:3     sons of Levi = esp priests, cf. Acts 6:7 xxx


3:4     pleasant = Righteous worship is pleasant in sight of God.

3:4     days of old... ancient years = answers the question of 2:17


3:5     sorcerers =


3:6     change not = in morals or principles (he changes law).


3:7     ordinances = written laws, or statues – (ordinances

3:7     shall we return? = they don’t acknowledge their offences


3:8     rob God? =

3:8     in tithes = income

3:8     offerings = additional lambs


3:10   storehouse = storage chambers in the temple

3:10   prove = test

3:10   pour out a blessing ... my cup runneth over. The store rooms could not hold the blessings!


3:11   devourer = devouring crops

3:11   cast fruit before time = fruit falling off before ripe

3:13   E. Claude Hall on “ye” and “you” and “you” and “thee.”

You = secular language, carries idea of equality;

Thee = in a more religious connotation, God on a higher plane than us.

Example: some words are pronounced differently when sung than when spoken.

Amen = [‘c ’min ] in music

                              [‘e ‘men ] speaking


3:14   walked mournfully = or in mourning apparel

3:15   Think, or say, that the wicked seem to be the ones blessed


3:16   they spake often ... RSV

3:16   heard = strained to hear... wanting to hear every word.


3:17   spare them = not punish


3:18   Under the old law? True any day!

Malachi - Chapter 4 - marginal notes from ASV wide margin Bible


4:1     AD 70

4:1     root nor branch = leaders


4:2     sun of righteousness = Christ

4:2     gambol = leaping and jumping


4:3     Christians have an advantage over the wicked.



4:4     Horeb = Mt. Range, Sinai a peak; Mt of God.


4:5     Elijah = John the baptist

4:5     great and terrible day = awesome day of Pentecost, or judgment day on Jewish nation in AD 70?


4:6     turn hearts = Luke 1:17

4:6     curse = Israel as a nation rejected Christ and suffered the consequence in AD 70. The gospel went out to the world - Col. 1:18.



1.       Defective Worship - 1:6-14

                    1) brought sick and lame - 1:18

                    2) weary with worship - 1:13

                    3) priests not preaching as they should - 2:6-10

2.       Un-brotherliness - 2:10-14

3.       Divorcing wives of youth - 2:11=13

4.       Not paying their tithes - 3:7-12