Finding the Way Back to Mayberry

Episode #25, “A Plaque for Mayberry”

Introduction: Someone in Mayberry is a direct descendant of Revolutionary War hero Nathan Tibbs, and Barney is confident that he’s the one. Instead, it turns out to be the town’s most spirited citizen.

Lesson Points:
Drinking to Excess—Otis Campbell (Proverbs 20:1, Ephesians 5:18)

Foolishness and Wisdom—Barney (Proverbs 13:16 & 14:7-8)

Pride and Humility
        Barney (1 Peter 5:5-6)
        Mayor Pike and the Town Council (Proverbs 16:18 & 18:12)
        Otis and Rita Campbell (Matthew 18:1-4)

Judging Others—Mayor Pike and the Town Council (Matthew 7:1-2)

1. Otis Campbell is the town drunk. He is also a popular character, but do you find yourself laughing more at him or with him. Do the townspeople of Mayberry and The Andy Griffith Show in general condone Otis’ drinking? What about drinking in moderation?

2. How effective were Barney’s sobriety tests (including the Barney Fife Nose-Pinching Test for Drunks)?

3. Did Barney truly believe that he was Nathan Tibbs’ descendant?

4. The plaque rightfully belonged to Otis, but Mayor Pike and the town council pressure Andy to tell Otis he is no longer receiving it. What was the council’s main concern? What would you have done if you were on the town council? What would you have done if you were in Andy’s position? How did Otis and Rita Campbell handle the presentation?

Final Thought:
“I’ve been thinking about the big long speech I could make here. And then I got to studyin’ about how that was all wrong. See, I don’t deserve this award. I didn’t do nothing. Being descended from a hero don’t make you one. Shucks, a man can’t take credit just for being born. So I want to give this to Mayor Pike to accept for the town of Mayberry of which I’m proud to be a citizen.”—Otis