Finding the Way Back to Mayberry
Lesson 19 - Mayberry Goes Bankrupt
The Mayberry town council forces Andy to serve an order of eviction on a kindly old
gentleman named Frank Myers. Frank has not been able to pay his taxes for some time, and
the council has run out of patience. The council also states that Franks run down
shack is an eyesore and makes the town of Mayberry look bad. Andy asks Frank if there is
any way he can raise the needed tax money. Frank looks through his strongbox which
contains all his valuables and comes across a $100.00 savings bond that was issued by the
town of Mayberry to his great grandfather in 1861
Lesson Points
The Unforgiving Council (Matt. 18:21-35)
Intolerant attitude
Caught up with appearances (John 7:24)
Lack of Compassion (Col. 3:12-14)
Absence of love
Finding an example in Jesus (Mark 6:34)
Opportunity to Serve (Mark 9:41)
Meeting the needs of others
Moving out of our "comfort zone"
Treasures (Matt. 6:19-21)
What is really important?
Where is our trust? (Ps. 20:7)
Giving with No Expectation of Return (Matt. 5:42)
The true meaning of giving
From the heart (Acts 20:35)
In the parable of the unforgiving servant, the servant was all for forgiveness as long as
he was the recipient. Do you see any similarities with the town council when dealing with
Frank Myers?
In their efforts to preserve the towns image, the council completely lost sight of the individual. As we strive to protect an image, how might we lose sight of whats really important?
Frank carried his treasures in a strongbox. Where do we store our treasures?
Opie made the suggestion that Frank come stay at the Taylor house. Why did Andy and Aunt Bee hesitate at first?
The town council was more than willing to help Frank until they realized that his bond was worthless. When we give of ourselves, do we expect something in return? If so, is it really giving?
Final Thought
"The fact is youve just done something nice for a fellow townsman, now why not
let it go at that." - Andy