uh, what did he just say?

i know that this one is going to be difficult to focus on, so allow me to guide you. if you would like to follow along to a larger version, open this version.

avoid getting sucked in to the balding woman with the purple phone case and the table purse as well as her companion's super heel boots, jeans apparently draped on a skeleton, and smooth necklace. similarly avoid seeing the child wearing an adult mens extra large hoodie, family guy pajama pants, and 50s thunderbird blue chucks. they aren't there.

focus on the heavier, more beat-up version of thom yorke at center ice. the tweed jacket would be normal except for everything else. is that a pajama shirt..? those are clearly pajama pants, and those are women's house shoes. i don't know if that is a fancy umbrella chain (it is sunny), a thick pocket watch (there are no train stations around), or a string of pearls hanging from his pocket (i am not aware of any 24hr cabaret clubs but i am not a social butterfly), and i cannot rule any of them out.

does it make it better or worse to know that it is rapidly approaching noon in this photo?
