Bob Bennett Guest Book for 12/97

NAME: Tom Grossheider
DATE: 12/2/97 @ 18:16:13

Many thanks to Bob on his fine music and the way he articulates his faith. We are all on the "Victorious Limp" walk together!

NAME: Andrew Hoggard
DATE: 12/4/97 @ 14:00:23

My only copy of Songs from Bright Avenue was stolen. I live in New Zealand and would love to acacquire another. Any information would be appreciated.

NAME: Daniel Brindley
DATE: 12/5/97 @ 9:22:27

NAME: Chuck Hoyt
DATE: 12/6/97 @ 14:17:25

I visit from time to time, and when I found out that SMaLL GrACES was out , I immediatly went out to the Berian Bookstore here in Bakersfield and picked it up, it was no surprise to me that I liked it right away. EVERYTHING Bob comes out with is really quality music both in lyrical content and of course that wonderful acoustical sound. It is good to see a new CD out and hopefully a new beginning for more people out there to get a taste of Bob's music, this may be the start of something exciting in his ministry. I keep you in my prayers and try to share your music with others as an opportunity to share Jesus through that universal language- music. God Bless and keep you, Chuck Hoyt<><

NAME: Jim Karker
DATE: 12/6/97 @ 20:10:47

Bob and Jay... This is great! Thanks for setting up the site. I found you listed in Small Graces which is playing as I write. I'm anxious to explore this site and to check out Bright Avenue. Love the music, what it says, and what it means to everyone! I'm so grateful to have found this "bright penny". Thanks so much to both of you! jk

NAME: Bruce Krohn
DATE: 12/8/97 @ 21:32:20

Hello, I am here mostly out of curiosity. Speaking with my sister the other nite, she mentioned that she had heard a beautiful song by Bob Bennet called "Angel(s) Around The Bed. Are you familiar with it? I haven't heard it yet, but would like to know where I can get it for my sister-in-law. Thank you.

NAME: Trey Martindale
DATE: 12/10/97 @ 2:13:18

Small Graces is really great! Glad to see Bob back in the music stores!

NAME: George Grow
DATE: 12/11/97 @ 10:07:53

We (my wife and I) enjoyed the concert at the Gaither chapel. Thanks for sharing God's blessings to you with us.

NAME: Bill Dobos
DATE: 12/12/97 @ 21:26:24

Bob--what's the deal!! How can so many of your CD's be "out of print"?! I have been a long time fan; a very appreciative listener of your music and lyrics. I grew up in a very violent home and have always struggled with a sense of abaondment; and I cannot tell you what your music and fine (honest) writing has meant to me. Thank you, Bob. The Peace of Christ be with you. With much gratitude, BD

NAME: David Isaak
DATE: 12/14/97 @ 12:52:53

What can I say.. I can't believe I found this site. I received Christ in '81. It seems soon after that I was play 8 track tapes of Bob's. Currently, I'm a single parent, with 4 kids. Rough. Didn't know when I was listening to "..Bright Ave", I'd be there... Thanks.

NAME: David Butler
DATE: 12/17/97 @ 8:16:33

The Lord speaks to my soul through your music. Thanks for your struggle and your willingness to speak through your music.

NAME: Kirk Duit
DATE: 12/20/97 @ 19:18:36

Keep up the great work!

Let me know what's available in past CD's.

I have not seen the Small Grace's CD in the store's in the Twin Cities. How else can i get ahold of it. Along with any info about music so i can play some of the tunes in church.



NAME: Bryon Rykard
DATE: 12/21/97 @ 0:03:54

After seeing Bob perform at a Christian Family Weekend at Six Flags Over Texas in 1991 I became hooked on his music. His music really hit me where I live. I attended the concert with a girl I eventually married... and saddly divorced. "Songs from Bright Avenue" really echoed the sentiment I held toward the whole process and made a marked inprovement in my ability to make it through the entire fiasco. I thank God for Bob, his music, and his home page. After visiting my local Christian Book and Music store I was pleasantly suprised to see a new release from Bob Bennett! Though I had never heard any of the songs on the tape I bought it. I have never heard one of his songs that I did not like. Sure would like to find his previous works on CD... they last longer. On a whim I did a search on "Bob Bennett" via alta vista and found his home page which then lead me to yours. Keep up the good work!!!

NAME: Tom Ward
DATE: 12/22/97 @ 16:16:51

NAME: Dicky Barlow
DATE: 12/22/97 @ 23:21:40

I would love to hear more about the acoustic album. I sure would love to order it via e-mail. Let me know if and when it comes out.

Dicky Barlow

NAME: Ed Thierbach
DATE: 12/23/97 @ 11:37:51

Bob's music has always struck a chord within me (pun intended, sorry), but since becoming a "recovering fundamentalist" it has resonated in me more than any other music. I hope it will be many years before someone has to pry the guitar out of his hands. :-)

May I suggest, the next time he puts a concert schedule together, that he consider Ann Arbor, MI? We have several "folksy" places around town, as well as bigger places if he decides to invite a few hundred of his closest friends. :-)

NAME: Steve Bagwell
DATE: 12/24/97 @ 0:58:44

Thanks for putting the time and energy into getting this site up. Bob is the real deal in an otherwise mostly glossy world of "christian music". I'd say that his songs have accomplished his desires for them in my life. I remember my first listen to "Songs from Bright Ave". It's an honest masterpiece. No, I'm not related to Bob...

NAME: Bill Hayden
DATE: 12/24/97 @ 9:21:38

I just purchased Bob's latest release and LOVE it!

I first saw Bob about five years ago in Tulsa Oklahoma with Michael Card and that's when I fell in love with Bob's music. I'm a guitar player and for years I've loved the finger picking style, but Bob adds his own unique style to it - how does he do it?! Anyway, thanks for the web page and a chance to express my THANKS to Bob!

Bob, soon after the time I saw you in Tulsa, my wife became very ill with cancer and her doctor gave her two months to live. Our church was very supportive and God covered us with His grace and love and enabled us to get through those times. One of the big ways He helped me get through the days was in the car to and from work listening to your music! I only had one of your tapes ("Lord of the past"), and wore it out over the last five years. Today, God has given me back my wife and has healed her! My children are able to have their mother home with them! I just found your latest release in a Christian book store yesterday and have already been encouraged by it! Thanks Bob, for sharing your life with us in your music. I feel that I know a part of you just by listening to your music!

Thank you Bob!

NAME: Donna Marie Lewis
DATE: 12/25/97 @ 12:13:59

NAME: Donna Marie Lewis
DATE: 12/25/97 @ 12:34:49

First of all, Merry-Wonderful-Awesome Christmas blessing be to you! My sweet daughter, Jaime-Jin, surprised me by buying "Simple Graces" for me for a Christmas present. She knows that Bob Bennett is my most favorite singer, poet and guitarist ever and ever amen! I had no idea he had come out with another CD, so I was totally surprised. It was the best present anyone could have ever gotten me. So here I am listening to Bob on Christmas day and writing a note on email (which I have never done before). Thank you Bob for your fresh, real and touching songs that speak to the hearts of many. There are not many like you who are "real" writers. I am grateful to have the priviledge of listening to your music. Please come somewhere near to Charlottesville, Va. We'll come and hear you! I have prayed for you often. I particularly like "Hand of Kindness", "Jesus Christ the Apple Tree" and especially "Altar in the Field". I have always felt we forget so quickly what God had done for us. We really need to build some kind of visual reminder, whether it's p utting something up on a knick-knack shelf or writing in a journal to help us remember specific touches of God in our lives. God bless you so much! Donna Marie Lewis :)

NAME: Kevin Auman
DATE: 12/25/97 @ 14:17:45

NAME: Brad Foster
DATE: 12/27/97 @ 19:02:35


At 23 yrs. of age I came to know Jesus. Soon thereafter I discovered what is now known as CCM. One of my earliest favorites was "Carpenter Gone Bad." I have been a fan ever since. Years ago you were to play backup for a band in Dallas (don't even remember who-I was there to see you). For some reason, the headline band didn't show, & we were treated to a concert with just you and your guitar. That remains a fond memory. I now pastor a church in Texas (I hope you don't really hate the Lone Star State). I have appreciated the way you bare your heart through your music.

NAME: Peter Lurvey
DATE: 12/27/97 @ 23:37:15

A small package came a distance this Christmas - from a brother a country away. Small, yet some powerful medicine for my soul. "Small Graces" is wonderful. Thanks to God for Bob's faithful listening. My wounded heart had balm poured on it. Bless you. - Peter Lurvey, Grande Prairie, Alberta Canada (just south of Sexsmith, but east of Valhalla)

NAME: Delano Mireles
DATE: 12/28/97 @ 0:22:38

Just would like to say that I just happened upon your Small Graces recording and love it! I guess it was an answer to a sort of prayer. Today, I was in Dallas with my wife and son visiting his grandparents and decided to go to a Christian bookstore to get a new CD. When I walked in to the store I half-heartedly wished/prayed for a nice 'acoustic' artist. After listening to a couple of demos I came upon Small Graces and knew that was it! I'm now home in Austin and am still listening to it. What wonderful songs and fantastic guitar playing. Please include me on any mailing list.

Delano Mireles 9200 North Plaza #307 Austin, TX 78753

NAME: Lisa Smith
DATE: 12/28/97 @ 13:10:45

Hellllllllllooooooooo!!!!!! Bob Bennett is one of my favorite artist!!! I know Lord Of The Past, inside and out! Mountain Cathedrals is one of my favorites. I can remember listening to that song while I was driving through beautiful parts of Switzerland. It was wonderful driving music! :D That whole CD is special to me because it was some of the first music I listened to after I became a Christian. And it is very special to me today too. I am going to look for Bob's latest, that I just learned of on this web page! Thanks! Lisa S.

NAME: alan tewkesbury
DATE: 12/29/97 @ 17:31:49

Great fan of Bob Bennett's music. Just received Small Graces tape as Christmas gift-outstanding. As with all his music, I can listen to it over and over and over, both the music and the lyrids. I'd love to hear him in person if I ever have the opportunity. Also, I'd like to know all tapes that have been made thus far and how to buy any that I don't already have. Would also like to receive any type notices, etc. of new music by Bob Bennett and any other news.

NAME: Craig Wagganer
DATE: 12/30/97 @ 15:08:59

NAME: Craig Wagganer
DATE: 12/30/97 @ 15:13:28

I have been a fan of Bob's since his first album. I haven't heard anything about him since '91 when Bright Avenue came out. I recently got the last New Man magazine and when I saw the article I called my local Christian Bookstore and ordered Small Graces. I listen to a lot of music and at 41 years old I have never found anyone who touches my heart like Bob. I praise the Lord for the his gifts!

NAME: Jodi Sewell
DATE: 12/30/97 @ 15:35:22