Bob Bennett Guest Book for 9/96

NAME: Jay Rinkel
DATE: 9/28/96 @ 22:13:06

Well Bob. I just HAD to be the first one to sign the Guest Book! I want you to know that I really appreciate your friendship and your music ministry/career. Keep up the good work. Hey, if you are ever in the Huntsville, AL area, look me up. I am in the phone book and I would appreciate getting with you. Also, if you are ever in the Nashville area (also Franklin) and you are going to be there awhile, maybe I can work something out to go see you. Well, that's if the schedules work and we both have time. But it is an interesting thought nevertheless. Take Care.

NAME: Keith Berry
DATE: 9/28/96 @ 22:58:00

Great setup and info, glad you made the connection. The site sure gives folks an idea who Bob is and what his music is about. Lord Bless & abide (He promised) Keith

NAME: Pat Shelby
DATE: 9/29/96 @ 6:03:21

Bravo, Jay! I had fun this morning visiting! What I really like is the postings of Bob's comments on this and that...and his bio. Very insightful! I'll be back.