No Such Thing As Divorce

From          Bob Bennett
Organization  Bright Avenue Songs
Date          July, 31, 1996
Newsgroup     alt.dads-rights

I'm new to this group and have been lurking for a little bit. I am a divorced dad with three children (15, 12 & 9). They live nearby they're in Anaheim, CA and I'm in Whittier), and although I never see them as much as I *want* to, after reading several of the posts on this newsgroup, my heart goes out to you fathers whose situation is so much different and painful from my own. (Every divorced father, though, seems to have his cross to bear: my ex married her divorce attorney!)

Anway, I am a musician and songwriter by trade and I wanted to post the lyric to a song I wrote for my kids. I hope it will be an encouragement to other NCPs as your posts have touched me. The reaction I get from audiences is very touching, usually from fathers...the unexpected reaction has been from children of divorce who have told me: "I wish my father could've sung this to me." If any of you listen to Dr. Laura Schlessinger's radio program, you may have heard the chorus as she's been kind enough to play it every so often. Best regards, Bob.

[The lyrics are posted here on the site]

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