On the Road
By Pat Kilpatrick

Dianne and I were on the road Thursday and Friday, and these thoughts came to mind.  When we get ready to travel anywhere we make preparations concerning knowing how we are going to get there.  In other words, we consult an atlas or we ask someone that knows the way.  If we take directions from anyone, we usually will consult an atlas anyway just to confirm they knew what they were talking about.  Along the way we keep an eye out for landmarks and towns and notice the road signs to make sure we are still on the right road.  If we get on the wrong track, we consult the map again or if completely and utterly lost, a man might stop and ask directions (only under the direst of circumstances) to get back on track.

Traveling the narrow way (Matthew 7:13-14) is done the same way.  We get direction from the scriptures either through reading them ourselves, or by being taught by someone else.  If we have been taught by someone, we search the scriptures to see if what they are telling us is so (Acts 17:10-12).  On the way we constantly consult our map (the scriptures), and keep an eye out for road signs and landmarks (our heart (I John 3:19-21)).  A child of God studies the scriptures so that they can discern good from evil (Hebrews 5:11-14, Psalm 119:10-11), and thereby knows when he still in the narrow way or on the path to destruction.  If the child of God finds himself lost, he will consult the scriptures to see what he must do to get back on the right track.  He might need the help of a fellow Christian to understand that he is lost and/or to get back on the right track (James 5:16-20).  Let’s make sure we do everything we can to make straight our paths (Hebrews 12:12-16), and to help each other along the way (Galatians 6:1-5).

“See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.”
Ephesians 5:15-17

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