1013 -- Danger: Diabolik

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Video title set size: 4307MB
Relative quality rating: 1 (1 is best)

Everything you ever wanted to know about Danger: Diabolik or would never think about asking.



These are the menus I made specifically for this episode. What is presented here has been scaled for viewing on a computer and is in JPEG format to reduce size -- these are not the images actually on the DVD and do not look as good. The buttons on the actual DVD menus are not visible in these images, but some test buttons are visible. The images are cropped by most televisions so the odd borders, especially the left, are not visible.

In the above menu, the color has been altered to minimize the obscuring of John Phillip Law's face by the smoke in front of it. In the process, the Sci-fi channel logo went away. I added in the part of the Diabolik title behind the theater seats so that it would be easily readable -- I scaled an image I found on the web and got it right the first time when it should have taken several attempts. The logo doubles as a button to bring up some information about the movie. The white blocks are where the thumbnails for the chapters go. This is handled by the authoring software. If you look closely, you'll see that the blue pill-like (aqua) buttons are translucent. Because of the difficultly in making such buttons for the authoring software I'm using, the actual buttons on DVD are opaque. You'll also note that the buttons in these images give the wrong chapter numbers. I fixed the chapter numbers for the final buttons, but not for the translucent test buttons presented here.