The Candelabra at Paracus is aligned with Newgrange, Castlerigg, Scandanavian stone shipsetting sites in Denmark, Sweeden and Gotland, Zagorsk, Llasha, Phimai, Angkor Wat and Uluru.

Image © Cosmi 3-D World Atlas

The axis points of this great circle are 32° 40' N, 157° 18' W and 32° 40' S, 22° 42' E . The great circle crosses the equator at 67° 18' W and 112° 42' E. The upper latitudes are 57° 20' S at 157° 18' W and 57° 20' N at 22° 42' E.

Links: Latitude Longitude To Great Circle
Paracus 13° 34' S 76° 12' W 0 miles
Newgrange 53° 42' N 6° 29' W 0 miles
Castlerigg 54° 36' N 3° 06' W 4 miles
Gotland 57° 15' N 18° 10' E 0 miles
Zagorsk 56° 17' N 38° 07' E 5 miles
Llasha 29° 44' N 91° 12' E 0 miles
Phimai 15° 13' N 102° 50' E 10 miles
Angkor Wat 13° 28' N 103° 53' E 0 miles
Uluru 25° 22' S 131° 03' E 35 miles