Ann Marry Me - AnnMarryMe.mpg
Family to Family Training Friends - F2FTrain1.jpg
Family to Family Training Friends - F2FTrain2.jpg

Lee's driveway - mdsnow1.jpg
Snow piles in the back yard - mdsnow2.jpg
The portable pen in the back yard - snowpen.jpg
Lucy on a snow pile - snowpuppy.jpg
Daryl on a snow pile - snowpile1.jpg
Lee on a snow pile - snowpile2.jpg
Daryl at Gunstock - gunboard.jpg
A Volvo on Fire after Boarding at Gunstock - volvofire.jpg

White Mountains - whitemountains/whitemountains.html

Arizona Vacation - arizona/arizona.html

Bald Eagle in Eastern Neck Wildlife Refuge - baldeagle1.jpg
Bald Eagle in Eastern Neck Wildlife Refuge - baldeagle2.jpg
Harpers Ferry from Maryland Heights - mdheights.jpg

Berlin - berlin/berlin.html


The participants at RickyCade - rickycade.jpg
The Dawsonville Pool Room - poolroom.jpg
Lee and Daryl on the Cherohala Skyway - redrides.jpg
A DR and a CBR at Brasstown Bald - drcbr-bb.jpg

Lee and Daryl in front of the Guayas - leedaryl.jpg
Daryl with the parrots at the Inner Harbor - debparot.jpg
A lake on a knob - knoblake.jpg
ORV trail 2 - orvtral2.jpg
Big rocks in the ORV - bigrocks.jpg
Ken somewhere on FR217 - kt-fr217.jpg
The KLR on a knob - klr-knob.jpg
The DR on a knob - dr-knob.jpg
A Virginia twisty - vatwisty.jpg
A tower I climbed on the DR - dr-tower.jpg
Daryl at Mount Cheaha - dbcheaha.jpg
Ken at Mount Cheaha - ktcheaha.jpg
Ellis Island - ellis.jpg
Statue of Liberty - liberty.jpg
Lee with the parrots at the Inner Harbor - leeparot.jpg
Beautiful Lee beside the Longstreet equestrian monument - lindalee.jpg


A picture of a fighter - f14flyby.jpg
A picture of a transsonic fighter - f18sonic.html
A video of a transsonic fighter - fs14ss.mpg

A Photo Gallery

Ron's Chevy taking a much-needed break - ogocoee.jpg
Frank's dog - saddledog.jpg
The trailer where some of us stayed - gctrailer.jpg
On the Cherohala Skyway, Ben, Ricky, Daryl, and Ron - unicoi.jpg
A Goldie hiding his tennis ball - twodogs.jpg
A playful welcome awaits at the east end of Thunder Road. - goldeegoob.jpg
The cheap seats - twotents.jpg
How do you start this thang? - twotractor.jpg
Ron, Daryl, and Ricky - threegoobs.jpg
A picnic by the Ocoee - ocoeepicnic.jpg
Are ye skeert? - ogdogs.jpg

Pictures of Comet Hale-Bopp

One of my pictures of Comet Hale-Bopp - hb4.jpg
Another picture of Comet Hale-Bopp - hb5.jpg
Another picture of Comet Hale-Bopp - hb6.jpg
Another picture of Comet Hale-Bopp - hb7.jpg