Jesus comes to Bethany to Lazarus' home. Martha prepares a supper and Mary anoints the feet of Jesus (John 12:3-11). |
The Next Day (John 12:12) Jesus makes His Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem in fulfillment of Micah 5:2 (Matthew 21:12, Mark 11:1-10). He beholds the city and weeps over it (Luke 19:41). Afterwards He goes out of the city with the Twelve at even (Matthew 21:17) The Passover lamb was taken out from the sheep and goats and was kept up until Abib (Exodus 12:3-6). |
On the Morrow (Mark 11:12) On His way to Jerusalem Jesus curses the fig tree (Mark 11:13). Then He drives the money changers from the Temple (Mark 11:15). He spends time teaching (Luke 19:47). He goes out of the city (Mark 11:19). |
In the Morning (Mark 11:20) AFTER TWO DAYS IS THE FEAST OF PASSOVER (Mark 14:1) Jesus comes again to Jerusalem and finds the fig tree dried up (Mark 11:20). He spends time teaching and giving parables in the Temple (Mark 11:20; 14:1). He predicts His forthcoming death and prophesies of the destruction of Jerusalem and other events (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21). The second anointing in Bethany takes place at the house of Simon the leper (Mark 14:3-9). Judas plots to betray Jesus (Mark 14:10). |
First Day of Unleavened Bread When They Killed the Passover (Mark 14:12) The disciples prepare the lamb and the upper room for Jesus to eat the Passover (Mark 14:12-18) The Passover lamb was killed at evening (Lit. between the two evenings-i.e. sundown and dark) (Exodus 12:6) at the going down of the sun of Abib 14 (Deuteronomy 16:6). The Israelites were to eat all of the roast lamb before morning (Exodus 12:8, 10, Deuteronomy 16:3,4). |
"In the evening He cometh with the twelve." (Mark 14:17) and eats the Passover lamb supper with them (Matthew 26:26-29; Luke 22:14-23). He then goes with the disciples to Gethsemane for prayer (mark 14:32). Immediately therafter He is betrayed by Judas (Mark 14:43), and captured by the high priest and taken for trial before Caiaphas (Luke 22:54). PASSOVER The Israelites ate the supper as instructed and remained in their homes until morning, also as instructed (Exodus 12:22, 28). In the morning the chief priests deliver Jesus to Pilate, who finds Him not guilty but offers a choice between Him and Barabbas. When they shout, "Crucify Him," Pilate orders Jesus scourged and delivered for crucifixion. At nine a.m., the soldier's hammer impales the Saviour on the cross (John 19:18). At high noon, darkness sweeps over the city and remains for three hours. Having fulfilled all things concerning His death, Jesus says, "It is finished," and surrenders His spirit into the hands of the Father (John 19:30; Luke 23: 46). Then, before sunset Joseph of Arimathaea asks Pilate's permission to inter the body of Jesus, which he does just before the beginning of the High Sabbath. |
First Night and Day of Entombment On this yearly Sabbath High Day (John 19:31), the chief priests request that a watch be established at the tomb and that it be sealed for three days (Matthew 27:62-66). First Day of Unleavened Bread The Israelites left Egypt by night on the fifteenth of Abib (Numbers 33:3; Deuteronomy 16:1). |
Second Night and Day of Entombment On this day, spices are purchased and prepared to anoint the body of Jesus (Luke 23:56). |
Third Night and Day of Entombment The saints rest on this Sabbath day according to the commandment (Luke 23:56). Then at dusk in the end of the Sabbath, the resurrected Christ comes forth from the tomb. |