Walking Thru The Bible

Old Testament -- Isaiah

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          Walking Thru The Bible
            Isaiah is quoted in the New Testament more than any other
          prophet.  There are more than 250 allusions to Isaiah's prophesies. 
          The New Testament says that Isaiah "saw the glory of Christ and
          spoke of him"  Jo.12:41.
            Isaiah's name "Yesha-Yahu" (Salvation is of Yahweh) is almost
          identical in meaning with Joshua (Yahweh is Salvation), which in the
          New Testament corresponds to "Jesus."
            Isaiah -- The Man
            Isaiah prophesied in Judah during the 8th century BC.  It was
          during his ministry that the northern kingdom of Israel was taken
          captive by the Assyrians.  It was a critical time for Judah for the
          Assyrians were threatening them also.  The prophet Hosea had been
          preaching in Israel before its fall and Micah was a contemporary
          prophet with Isaiah in Judah.
            Isaiah lived in Jerusalem with his wife and two children to whom
          he gave significant names (7:3; 8:3).  The prominence of his father is
          seen in that the prophet is often called "the son of Amoz" (13 times). 
          The Rabbis taught that Isaiah's father was a brother of King Amaziah,
          and thus Isaiah would be a first cousin to King Uzziah and of royal
            Isaiah was well-educated and aware of the international political
          scene.  His wisdom from God was respected by Hezekiah and he
          served him as a kind of court-prophet.
            A tradition in the Talmud states that Isaiah when an old man
          denounced Manasseh's idolatrous decrees and being put inside a
          hollow log was "sawn asunder" (2 Kings 21:16; Heb. 11:37).
          Isaiah -- The Author
            The fabulous book of Isaiah contains 66 chapters.  Radical critics
          in the last century have generally conceded that Isaiah may have
          written chps 1-39, but argued that chps 40-66 was added by someone
          else later.   These are critics who reject the idea that Isaiah could have
          prophesied so clearly about Christ.

            There is no clearer evidence for the unity of Isaiah, however than
          the testimony of Christ and the writers of the NT.  They quote from
          all sections of Isaiah's book and simply attribute it to Isaiah.  (In John
          12:37-41, Jesus quotes from Isaiah 53 and Isaiah 6 in the same
          breath, crediting the prophet with both statements, even joining the
          two passages by saying, "Isaiah said again..." (vs. 39).
           Isaiah -- His Work
            A main theme running through the Book is that God is sending
          either judgments or comforts, depending on how people respond to

          I.  Visions of Judgment 1-39  (39 number of books in OT)
            A.   The Denunciation of Judah and Jerusalem  1-12
            B.   The Denunciation of foreign nations   13-27
            C.   The Denunciation in "Woes"  28-35
            D.   The Denunciation of Sennacherib  36-39*

          II. Visions of Comfort  40-66 (27 number of books in NT)
            A.   The Deliverance --    40-48
                 From impending Babylonian Captivity
            B.   The Deliverer --   49-57
                 The Lord's suffering servant
            C.   The Delivered -- 58-66
                 The coming glory
            [* Chps 36-39 is a historical narrative of some events in the
                      reign of Hezekiah and the invasion of Sennacherib.]
          Isaiah -- His Message
            The northern kingdom of Israel became immersed in idolatry and
          carnality and falls to Assyria in 722 BC.  The threat of invasion from
          Assyria is real to Judah as well.  Isaiah rebukes the nation's leadership
          for looking to political alliances with Egypt and others for security
          instead of trusting in the Lord.

            Isaiah charges the people of Jerusalem with sin and impiety as
          the cause of their troubles.  Social injustice was rampant in the land,
          with rich landowners exploiting the poor (Isaiah 5:8).  Spiritual life
          was at a low ebb, with both priests and prophets flattering the wealthy
          in hope of gain (Isaiah 56:10-12); cf. Micah 3:11).  Jerusalem itself
          was a boiling pot of political factions, intrigue, and corruption.

            The prophet pleaded for repentance and genuine reformation of
          life (Isaiah 1:16-17).  Isaiah foretells of the captivity in Babylon but
          prophecies of deliverance and a coming glory.  He looks beyond all
          the events of his own troubled time to the coming, suffering, and reign
          of the Messiah.
          Isaiah -- The Messianic Prophet
            Isaiah earns this title because he increased significantly the
          awareness of the coming Christ.  Interlaced through his messages are
          glorious glimpses of one who will be the Redeemer of God's people. 
          A few are:

            1.   There is the prophecy of Immanuel's birth to a virgin in
          Isaiah 7:14.  The Apostle Matthew certifies this passage is fulfilled
          in the birth of jesus (Matthew 1:22,23).

            2.   The rejection of the Lord (Christ) as a "stone of stumbling"
          and "rock of offense" is predicted in Isaiah 8:13,14.  See the Apostle
          Peter's reference in 1 Peter 2:8, 3:14.

            3.   The benevolence and universality of the Messiah's reign
          during the Christian age is vividly portrayed in Isaiah 11:1-11.  Note
          how the Apostle Paul uses this in Rom. 15:12.

            4.   The precious, tried, sure foundation corner-stone to be laid
          in Zion is viewed in Isaiah 28:16, and referred to on several occasions
          in the NT (Romans 9:33; 1 Peter 2:6).

            5.   In Isaiah 40:3-5 we have a preview of John the Baptist and
          his preparatory work for the One who came to reveal the "glory of the
          Lord" to "all flesh." (Note Matthew 3:3).

            6.   The Lord's compassionate and just mission is stressed in
          Isaiah 42:1-4 (See Matthew 12:18-21).

            7.   Isaiah 53 is a veritable galaxy of prophecies pointing to the
          atoning work of the Savior and many details connected with it (Acts
          8:32-35; John 12:38, etc.)

            1.   If God is GOD then he is able to see the end from the
          beginning and declare it to his prophets (Isa. 46:9,10; 48:5).  To
          reject predictive prophecy which has been fulfilled clearly and in
          detail years after the prediction (and said by inspiration to be the
          fulfillment) is to reject GOD, and vice versa.

            2.   Sin and wickedness always brings God's disfavor.

            3.   The Lord has always wanted his people to put their trust in
          Him and not in the forces of politics.

            4.   God's great plan has been to redeem man from sin.  The
          promise was given to people long ago and we can enjoy that
                    redemption which is in Christ Jesus.

- - - SERMON - - - 

           				   Isaiah 52:13 - 53:6
            1.   Isaiah gives an inspired picture of what God's Son would
                           look like, He is called "The Suffering Servant".

            2.   In the section we have three paragraphs, each giving us a
                           different pose.   It begins with "Behold"-- Stop!! look, see!
          I.  The Faithful Servant  52:13-15
            1.   He volunteered to be a servant -- Phil. 2:7.
            2.   He was a faithful servant or steward.
            3.   He was an enthused servant -- John 2:17
            4.   He was prudent, and an exalted servant.  Mk 16:19; Eph
            5.   A servant that would startle many.  Mark 6:2
          II. The Divine Sufferer  53:1-3
            1.   A proverb of his background -- John 1:46
            2.   King without pomp -- cf. Acts 25
            3.   Undesired and despised.
            4.   Unreceived and rejected -- John 15:25; 17:15
            5.   A Man of Holiness, acquainted with grief, without esteem.
          III.   The Sinless Substitute   53:4-6
            1.   No other substitute fitting.
            2.   He was Immanuel, God manifested in the flesh. John 1;14
            3.   He took our place.
            4.   Beaten and insulted.
            5.   Bruised and crushed.
            6. "God laid on him the iniquity of us all."
            7.   Cut off for our transgressions.
            1.   Three paragraphs and three poses of Jesus our Savior.
            2.   All we like sheep have gone astray.
            3.   What do we see as we look at His picture?

-- Windell Gann -- Walking Thru the Bible --

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