The Shady Paint Rock 53 route is mostly out-and-back along the Paint Rock river, flat to rolling with a few long hills. Directions to start:   The Paint Rock Valley Health Center is located about 35 minutes from Huntsville in the small town of Trenton. From Huntsville take I-565 east to US-72...

Travel East on US-72 15.4 miles to AL-65 (two miles past Gurley, just as US-72 curves to the right) and turn Left. Travel North on AL-65 7.2 miles to Trenton.

Entering Trenton, as the road curves to the left and uphill, turn Right on CR-106 (no sign). Turn Right into the clinic's gravel parking lot 50 feet after the turn, across the street from the Post Office.

 Turn Leg  Description Mile
50'  West on CR-106 0.0
10.0  on AL-65 0.0
5.0  on CR-27 (Larkin Fork Creek) x
9.3  on AL-65 / TN-97 at "T" x
1.0  to stay on TN-97 x
0.6  at "T" to stay on TN-97 x
0.4  onto Main Street heading North x
Rest Stop -  at convenience store on left
 next rest stop in 22 miles
 Turn Leg  Description Mile
0.6  Return South on Main Street x
0.7  on Gore Street (sign is on right) x
0.7  on TN-97 at "T" x
13.8  to stay on TN-97 / AL-65 x
6.1  to stay on AL-65 x
Rest Stop -  at convenience store on left
 finish in 4 miles
4.3  Continue South on AL-65 x
50'  on CR-106
 Finish at the clinic in Trenton

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