We currently communicate and post on

 Alabama Airsoft Forum.


Text Box: Mt. Doom welcomes Airsoft groups to use our field to stage their events.  If your group would like to stage an event here just get with me and I’ll help you plan a date.  You can set the price for entry, decide if you want to give away prizes or raffle items, the theme and length of time your event will last and other details then I’ll help you with advertising your event and getting it on the calendar.  My rates per player make this the lowest price field you will find in Alabama.  You run the game and provide administrators or refs and enforce safety so everyone has a good time.  You can make some money for your group or provide a very inexpensive game that may attract a larger number of players.  Once you establish a reputation for making good games then you can offer more to players for a bit more entry fee and cover the cost of your props, pyrotechnics, radio’s and other things that make your airsoft games authentic and fun.
Just looking for a place to have a great day playing airsoft with some friends?  All you have to do is call ahead and let me know you’re coming and I’ll assign you a pavilion to set up under away from paintball crowd and with some privacy to discuss your strategy or game plans with your team.  Then I’ll coordinate with you via 2-ways radio so your airsoft group can play all the major fields at Mt. Doom.  Or you are always welcome to move into the airsoft only areas and stay there all day long without anyone bothering your games.  Just $10 per person for the day.