Mt. Doom opens every Saturday and Sunday of the month for players to just “walk on” to the field and get into fun games with others who have arrived to play.  There may be private party games going on at the same time and often these players decide to join the walk-on players for a really BIG game or two.  We don’t always have a referee available for walk-on players but we’ve found that the regulars (guys who play up here all the time) make excellent refs even when playing.  Recognizing that it’s just a game, they make honest calls on paint checks and know how to keep the games fun and flowing smoothly.

           NOTE:  Please watch the facebook page because when we have big events, such as the big Airsoft games or speedball tournaments, we do not allow walk-on play or private games that would interfere with the event.

   Many special events are held on 5th Sundays of the months that have five weekends in them.   Always check facebook page for most recent updates and call-outs.


Phone me: nights: 256-339-1601

Mail: Mt. Doom; 3071 Co. Rd. 515; Hanceville, AL 35077

Text Box: Speedball practice is $10 for entry and all-day-air. Paint $35 Text Box: Speedball competitions are geared for players with paintball experience who want to try the speed side of the sport.  Events in our area for beginners, intermediate and advanced play prepare players for minor league competition games leading all the way up to World Cup competition.  Doom maintains a regulation SUP-AIR playing field that is shared weekly usually on Sunday.
Every Sat. & Sun. Walk-On Games