
Check here from time to time for more information on upcoming scenario games at Mt. Doom or at other nearby fields.  Join Phantom Regiment scenario team to become involved with like minded people who love scenario paintball and attend many of the larger scenario games in the USA such as D-Day Oklahoma.

Halloween Town VS. Zombies—game was a ton of fun.  Brian pulled off a very successful game that was praised by all who attended.  Score was way in favor of Halloween Town till the last of the four games when points swung to the Zombies.  Zombies won with a very narrow margin. We’ll do this again next year for sure!

Text Box: Dragonfire Productions returned in 2016 with The Mandalorian Files—a scenario game based on the Star Wars story.  At the last Dragonfire game (Battle for Oz) we had over 100 players present and this game topped that number with even more.  Camping at the field is offered free of charge and usually we have a food vendor or two at the field or you can get pizza delivered in 30 min. from Pizza Hut or Domino’s.  Steve Ledbetter puts on an awesome game and everyone who attended these games came away with a wonderful memory of the experience.  Don’t miss an opportunity to enjoy a truly professional grade scenario game at Mt. Doom this coming summer.