REP-PDF.EXE Archive File Contents (by Ronnie Lajoie, NSS Chapter Resources Committee) The self-extracting PKZIP file, REP-PDF.EXE, contains 5 files for producing NSS Chapter Annual Reports. These files are Adobe Acrobat PDF document versions of the electronic forms developed for use by the Huntsville Alabama L5 Society (HAL5). Each of these forms is a "paper version" in that all fields are blank so that the document can be printed and filled out manually. A similar "print and fill out" form package is also available in the original Microsoft Word and Excel format. Please see the file REP-PRNT.TXT for more information. An electronic "edit and print" form package is also available in the original Microsoft Word and Excel format. Please see the file REP-ELEC.TXT for more information. _________________________________ REP-PDF.PDF -- Adobe Acrobat PDF document version of this summary. P-COVER.PDF -- The two-page report cover page (Forms AR~1 and AR~1a). P-DATABS.PDF -- Optional two-page form for submitting additional chapter information for the NSS chapter database. The format is basically the same as the original one provided by NSS HQ in 1996. The row height has been increased to make it easier to read and more fully utilize the two pages. The abbreviated field names have also been expanded, where possible. P-FINANC.PDF -- The two-page chapter finance report (Forms AR~3 and AR~3a). P-EXEMPT.PDF -- Group Exemption Authorization Letter (Form AR~5).